I`ve researched and I think this is the first cycle I`m going to go with.
Week 1 -12 - 500mg (250mg x2 a week Sun and Wed) Of Test
Week 1-4 - 30mg of Dbol (3 x10 thoughout the day)
Week 13 &14 - clem cycle.
Week 15-17 - Clomid PCT.
I`m 30 years old. 180 lbs and about 10% bf. I`m looking to gain size and strength. I plan to go to 3500 calories a day. I do have a couple of questions though...
- Would you recommend this for a first cycle?
- Should I go with Test Cypionate or Enanthate? Is there any real difference?
- When I come to the Clem part of the cycle should I adjust my calories at all?
When should I switch to maintence level of calories?
Thanks for any advice.