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Thread: Suspension ***ression!! HELP ME!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Suspension ***ression!! HELP ME!!

    guys i have been on suspension at 50mg ed for 3 weeks now, not only am i not seeing any gains, and injection pain is still severe, and i have been not been able to do anything except sleep it is actually starting to piss me off!!! My workouts have been crap until this past week when my lifts were decent.... i dont know if the test is responsible for all this.. also my apetite has been supressed BIG TIME!! i have to force myself to eat now... i started cutting the suspension with b12 a week ago and it doesnt seem to help at all... i am also taking.25mg Adex and so far have had no physical sides except this sh** Someone plz help me out here whats going on?? thx guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    bump ne1????

  3. #3
    sure you got suspension? for me I noticed results, strength/fulness after the first week but this was at 75mg/d and I maintaned steady levels by pinning morning/night. I missed my morning shots twice and hit the gym and I was dragging ass majorly(strength/endurance down, felt shitty), its a super short ester dude you gotta keep bloods stable as possible

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    you think thats why?? so ill start shooting twice a day cuz i was shooting only once...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    whoever has taken suspension before... do you guys inject only one muscle or do both sides... like one delt or split injection into both delts??

  6. #6
    u sure its lefit gear?

  7. #7
    I have noticed this same effect of listlessness with my own cycle (Deca/D-bol right now). The effects simply must pass with time and may/may not even be related to aromatization.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    man screw this cycle im over this heartache loll im just going to discontinue as soon as i get some more nolva/armosin from lion and then later this year will do a test e or c cycle

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    bump to it not being legit, you should notice good results really quick if it was.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    ya i figured...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    guys i just got through talking to my source.... he guarantees that the stuff is legit.... should i stay on or get off??

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    switch from suspension to prop, or Test E or C.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    im on a very tight budget cant afford to purchase new test...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2006
    I shot only once ed, about an hour before workout. I noticed good quick gains, however, I was quite fatigued during the days. I'm going to shoot twice ed in my upcoming cycle as I want it to be a part of my next cycle because of the solid quick gains it yielded.

    Try bumping the dosage up to 75mg/ed. If you don't see results on that man, you shit stuff may be bunk.

    Good luck brotha!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by Blooddraine
    guys i have been on suspension at 50mg ed for 3 weeks now, not only am i not seeing any gains, and injection pain is still severe, and i have been not been able to do anything except sleep it is actually starting to piss me off!!! My workouts have been crap until this past week when my lifts were decent.... i dont know if the test is responsible for all this.. also my apetite has been supressed BIG TIME!! i have to force myself to eat now... i started cutting the suspension with b12 a week ago and it doesnt seem to help at all... i am also taking.25mg Adex and so far have had no physical sides except this sh** Someone plz help me out here whats going on?? thx guys
    Well the highlighted bolds will tell you why your not gaining bro, doesn't matter what kind of compounds your running, if you cant eat and Train properly you wont gain.

    Also injection protocol for the compound says injections must be regulary done in order to insure stable blood levels. I know you have asked alot of questions in the recent weeks about suspension, and i know ive always preached that if one runs the compound to inject 2-3 times a day.

    Ive ran it at 100 and 150mg/ed and split the shots up two to three times a day, at 50mg injections. Also you must rotate sites, thats the key to avoiding some pain.

    However my advice is if you can't follow the injection protocol, and your unable to train properly because of the pain in your muscles after injections, and your appetite is supressed so you cant eat.

    Then deff stop using the suspension bro, not worth it if your not gaining, switch to a different test, preferably Prop and finish the cycle with that. Or just call it quits, run a proper PCT, give some time off, and next time run a less potent compound, Test E or C come to mind.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    as far as the diet goes... ive been forcing myself so i am still getting a good amount of calories from protein and carbs and good fats... i just feel like shit when i see or eat food lol.

    If i am going to inject several times a day... where do you suggest i inject?? I usually just inject into the muscle being worked... but thats only 6 days a week for me... back, shoulders, pecs, biceps, triceps, quads (actually i havent done back my friend does it for me in the trap)

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    If injecting twice daily.

    Mon- Right quad, Left quad
    Tues- Right glute, left glute
    Wed- Right delt, left delt
    Thurs- Right pec, left pec
    Fri- Right bicep, Left bicep
    Sat- Right tricep, left tricep
    Sun- Right calf, left calf or right trap, left trap

    Just a suggestion, you can re-order the sites so that they fit your schedule.


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    awsome thank you, ghost youve been so helpful thxx a lot

  19. #19
    Personally, i'd go with cyp or enanthate.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    im just going to stick with this cycle increase frequency of injections n hope for the best, but next cycle i am, without a doubt, going to go with test c or e. thx guys for all the replies i really appreciate it.

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