anyone ever heard of tren @ 50mg ml from a pharmacy? I source i have in brazil says he can get this in the box 10ml flask. The only stuff i could find on the net was 75mg ml even using brazilian search engines.
anyone ever heard of tren @ 50mg ml from a pharmacy? I source i have in brazil says he can get this in the box 10ml flask. The only stuff i could find on the net was 75mg ml even using brazilian search engines.
Last edited by Brazil; 04-22-2007 at 01:10 PM.
You should know your breaking the rules.
im pretty sure no price discussion is aloud..
yep, no price discussion
but I have seen 50mg/ml tren b4
sorry ill edit. i figured prices were fine cause of black market prices posted on main page but fine so you have heard of it eh?
yeah i've seen it, can't remember where...thing is with UGL stuff they could make it 21mg/ml or 99mg/ml... could be any strength they want to produce
the only one i found from a pharmacy was trenabol at 75mg. ill ahve to ask him the pharmacy name
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