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Thread: 191 or 192 aa HGH facts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    191 or 192 aa HGH facts

    Hi there,
    191 or 192, the 192 aa sequence can cause alergic reactions and anybodies only in low percent of men. And it will lasts as long as you use it, after that antybodies, will no longer be present when you stop using it ,because there is no longer 192 aa in the body. So all you people that are thinking that you can f... your own GH for rest of your life are in big mistake.
    When you stop using 192 aa HGH ,your body will not attack your own GH because there is no 192 aa anymore, there is only your 191 aa GH and the body is recognize it as something normal,so it doesnt give you antybodies or some tipe of reactions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I wanted to ask a question on 192 aa but did a search first to try to find my answer. I came across this old post which aroused another question !

    According to this thread, if your body develops antibodies to the extra amino acid in the 192 aa, those same antibodies will also attack your own GH as long as u are using the 192aa ?!?


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