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Thread: Dosing SuperTest 450

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Dosing SuperTest 450

    I'm ordering 25ml of Supertest 450, its similar to Sustanon 250 and some and some of u might have already used it before. It is a multi-blended test drug. It has 5 esters instead of 4 like Sus250. Heres a breakdown of the esters and MG/ML
    32 mg per ml of testosterone acetate
    147 mg per ml of testosterone decanoate
    73 mg per ml of testosterone propionate
    73 mg per ml of testosterone phenylpropionate
    125 mg per ml of testosterone cypionate

    I know that the acetate will hit the quickest should i break up my doseages and do maybe 1/2 ml 4 times a week or could I do 1ml twice a week. I have heard alota good reviews on it and i'm very eager to get started. My dose is gonna be 900mg/week. I don't know if it matters much, I'm just trying to keep the blood levels stable as I can. My cycle goes as follows.
    SuperTest 450 900mg/week
    DBol 40mg/day for 4-6 weeks
    Tren A 50mg day for 8 weeks.

    My stats are on my profile If anybody wishes to take a look.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    prop/pp/ace... nice 3 shorties there bout EoD would be ok.. i guess, but pesonally i would run it 1/2ml E3D- the short ester compounds are so miniscuel in dosing that when split over 3days its seroiusly not a big deal.. the human body produces test in SPIKES so it will be more stable than ur endogenous test production.

    people are too worried bout STABLE PLASMA levels.. as long as your not going from a ton to none ur fine.

    u dont need anymore than 500mg /wk for sure
    test is weak anymore is just pointless... rely on the more effective aas compounds to attain your gains.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Havent you already posted like 2 other threads about cycles. How often you gonna change your mind and make a new thread.

    To be blatantly honest you just dont have the base for the cycles you put up on here. You lack the nutritional and training experience/knowledge and think if you take high doses you will get big, really doesnt work that way at all. You are running doses similar to what I run but you are probably half the size.

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