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Thread: Proviron Making Hair Fall Out??

  1. #1

    Proviron Making Hair Fall Out??

    I'm in my 8th week of my Test E cycle and It's been going pretty good so far. I decided mid way through my 7th week that I would throw in some proviron and continue running it through my PCT. I'm taking about 80mg a day, and my hair has been fine this whole cycle up until about 4 days ago. It's been shedding really bad ever since I started taking the proviron, but I have read that it shouldn't do this. I know it is a form of a DHT derivative, but it acts differently that other DHTs. Please correct me if I'm wrong on this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Den sitta på huk ställ
    If you're prone to MPB then any DHT deriv may raise hell with your hairline.

    Good luck,

  3. #3
    Thanks shrpskn.

    I've got a full head of hair with no thinning, balding, or hairline receding.

    So when I stop should the shedding cease?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    seriously I found proviron at 25mgs a day was enough to keep sides down(i.e. bloat, gyno etc.) while at the same time not messing with my hair. Winny does it a bit to me but proviron never has try lowering the dose and see if it helps, plus that s**t is expensive, back it down and have extra on hand if you need it. great for pct too imo.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by T4L
    Thanks shrpskn.

    I've got a full head of hair with no thinning, balding, or hairline receding.

    So when I stop should the shedding cease?
    when you stop itll stop

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    GTA, Canada
    80mgs is quite high. Max i'd go is 50mg. The studies that they found negative effects arising were the doses of 100mg and up. 80mg is pretty close to that...

  7. #7
    Cool guys. I appreciate the quick help. I just figured I would try to get the muscle hardening affects and such with a slightly higher doseage and then taper down to about 25mgs a day during PCT, but I'm gonna drop down now! I wasn't worried about how much I was using with the price because I have lots of it in powder

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