in a 10 ml syringe, and shoot 1ml EOD, but change the injection needle evertyime!
I'll keel them dry and cool, but not in a fridge!
I'd makme 2 of these ! So they would have to last 40 days all in all!
And I can I do the same to tren e ((vet grade, not from pellets ol powders) and prop mixed in the same syringe? I'd use separate syringes for them of course, and omake on syringe for each shot. But then agiain, thy would have to last for 40 days, in a dry and cool place, but not a fridge.....
I wont be usgin my house for the summer, I don't want the poepole to know I'm using, this would make things A LOT easier, AS aren't illegal here but its nobody s buisness but mine.....