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Thread: My first it all correct?

  1. #1

    My first it all correct?

    This is my first real cycle with an injectable. I have test Cyp which i will be takin 2 shots a week for a combined 600mg/week. I will be taking it for 8 weeks. I also have letro and Nolva on hand. I am thinking of taking letro during the cycle at .25ed and the nolva as my pct 2 weeks after my last injection. Is everything i am doin correct? Please let me know if you have any suggestions.

    Thanks to everyone in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    If you want help, we need more information please. stats cycle history, and goals

    Cyp can take up to 6-8 weeks to fully kick in so 8 weeks may be too short of a cycle

    answer ALL the green questions below

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    New York
    Don't you want to add an anbolic in with that. I use test to offset the effects of the anabolic.

    What are your stats and goals? What research have you done?

    Quote Originally Posted by saylean
    This is my first real cycle with an injectable. I have test Cyp which i will be takin 2 shots a week for a combined 600mg/week. I will be taking it for 8 weeks. I also have letro and Nolva on hand. I am thinking of taking letro during the cycle at .25ed and the nolva as my pct 2 weeks after my last injection. Is everything i am doin correct? Please let me know if you have any suggestions.

    Thanks to everyone in advance.

  4. #4
    I am 22, 5'11, 178pounds, not sure wat my bf% is, my goal is really to bulk up a little and obv gain physical strength. I would like to be around 185-190. I have been reading lots of posts latley so i am pretty knowledgable about the different cycles and pct.

    P.S i have been training hard and on a good protien diet for the past 2+ years.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by saylean
    I am 22, 5'11, 178pounds, not sure wat my bf% is, my goal is really to bulk up a little and obv gain physical strength. I would like to be around 185-190. I have been reading lots of posts latley so i am pretty knowledgable about the different cycles and pct.

    P.S i have been training hard and on a good protien diet for the past 2+ years.

    OK, I know you don't want to hear this, BUT steroids are for people who have reached their natural potential and use them to Break through plateaus!!

    at 5'11", you should EASILY, with the proper diet and training, be able to get to 200-210 NATURALLY.

    THe point here is that if you do NOT know how to or can't eat properly NOW to grow, the steroids will do you little good and you will doubtfully keep any of the gains you may make because you do not know how to....

    NOT trying to flame you, just get you to see ...You are talking only a 5-10 lb increase here and that can be done with the proper diet !!!


    Quote Originally Posted by beenie
    Don't you want to add an anbolic in with that. I use test to offset the effects of the anabolic.

    What are your stats and goals? What research have you done?
    Beenie, if he does do a cycle , and this being his first, it is BEST to stick to ONE compound so that he can learn how his body reacts to it both good and bad, BEFORE he starts adding other compounds and then not being able to tell what compound is doing what to his body JMHO

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    New York
    Sounds like good timing to me. I really think that you will get a much better result by adding an anabolic to what you are doing and extending the cycle another coule of weeks. Ask someone more knowlegable than me about mixing in either deca or EQ. they both help add muscle mass -what I assume you are looking for. If this is your first cycle you probable dont need more than 300-500 mg of test a week.

    The protien diet is great and is really gunna help your success even more than it has so far.

    Quote Originally Posted by saylean
    I am 22, 5'11, 178pounds, not sure wat my bf% is, my goal is really to bulk up a little and obv gain physical strength. I would like to be around 185-190. I have been reading lots of posts latley so i am pretty knowledgable about the different cycles and pct.

    P.S i have been training hard and on a good protien diet for the past 2+ years.

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