Ok, I'm trying to come up with a cycle that I can see some huge gains with but at the same time keep my hair lol. I am very prone to hairloss being 23 and looking like I'm in my mid 30's with my hair. I was debating on doing either test cyp/tren e or test/deca or test/deca/eq...but when I took tren my hair went quick so I'm probably going to stay away from tren until I'm shaved but for now I want something easier on my hair. I'd really like the test/deca but I hear if I do that I can take finasteride or dutasteride with it as it will accelerate my hair loss. I don't like taking the minoxidil just because I hate having to spray something greasy on my head and leave it for 2-4 hours to dry twice a day...thats such a b****!!
So, so far I will be taking the Test Cyp along with dutasteride...what should I add with it for a good strenght/size cycle? Thanks for any info