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Thread: Frontload @ 2/wk

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Top of Illinois

    Frontload @ 2/wk

    Ok, I understand frontloading. The explinations in the educational threads read like this

    Day 1 - 500mg
    Day 7 - 250 + 250 = 500mg and so on

    At what dose would you front load if you planned on injecting twice/wk.

    Day 1 - 250mg
    day 3 - 250mg.......????


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Let's say you are planning to run 500mg of Test E a week, doing two 250mg injections (lets say Monday and Thursday). To frontload this cycle you would double the dose for the first week. So, first injection Monday =500mg, then second injection Thursday = 500mg. From there it would go back to 250mg Monday and 250mg Thursday for the rest of the schedule.
    So to recap, to frontload you would double the dose for the first week, then back to normal schedule.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Top of Illinois
    Quote Originally Posted by Njord
    Let's say you are planning to run 500mg of Test E a week, doing two 250mg injections (lets say Monday and Thursday). To frontload this cycle you would double the dose for the first week. So, first injection Monday =500mg, then second injection Thursday = 500mg. From there it would go back to 250mg Monday and 250mg Thursday for the rest of the schedule.
    So to recap, to frontload you would double the dose for the first week, then back to normal schedule.
    Excellent.....I kept looking at the quantities and times to inject and it wasnt clicking!

    Thank you!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    for real!!!

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