hey guyz, hope all is well. im currently undergoing a cycle in about 2 months from now. just wanna make sure it sounds legit to every 1 so i dont buy too much gear, too little gear..or at worse..THE WRONG GEAR.
5 feet nine, 195 pounds. 2 cycles done in past. eq sus, deca, d bol test e
id like to create a lean bulk.
weeks-1-12 test enan. 400 mgs weekly
1-12 masteron acetate 75 mgs eod
1-12 tren acetate 75 mgs eod
8-12 var- 50 mgs ed
my problem is im not certain if i shud be using the masteron enan instead of masteron and same for tren if it shud be tren enanthate. im hoping that the doses are correct for each and every 1 and if its too long take the tren and masteron for 12 weeks. any revisions are all welcome...
p.s. when wud pct be started for this cycle and what wud u guyz advocate to take thruout as well as after. i appreciate any replys guyz. im also hoping this cycle wudnt make my hair fall out and if so..i wud appreciate any compounds to alternate with the ones i mentioned that wud aggravate such a pre-existing condition.