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Thread: About to do your first injection - Plz Read

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Center of the Universe

    About to do your first injection - Plz Read

    Ok after being in agony for a week I decided that I would post this for all the new injectors out there who are about to make alot of mistakes. The following are techinques I have collected from this site and others. None of these techniques were developed by me, so I will try to give credit to those who posted it first and if I don't you know who you are and thank you.

    Proper Sterilized Injection Techniques:

    Rules- In order to maintain a sterile enviroment you must never touch anything that will eventually touch the needle or the needle it self. All things that will touch the needle must be sterilized with Alcohol.

    "Site Injection
    There are a few steps you should always take when first learning to inject anabolic steroids. The most important thing to keep in mind is that you must always be clean and very sanitary. Always use new syringes that are in sealed packaging. Never use a syringe that has been used before, either by you or especially by another person. Make sure that the area that you will be injecting is clean and is in the correct location (read injection sites) to prevent injury. Take your new syringe out of its packaging and if there is a protective covering on the needle turn it tight to insure that the needle is firmly secured to the syringe. With an alcohol filled cotton swab wipe the top of your bottle (if you are withdrawing from one) to insure it is sterile. Take the plastic sheath off the needle and draw about 2cc of air into the syringe. Insert the syringe and push the air into the bottle. This makes it easier to withdraw the oil based liquid. Turn your bottle upside-down and withdraw the amount that you want plus just a little extra. Now, flick the side of the syringe to get all of the air bubbles to the top and inject the extra amount you took back into the bottle. Withdraw the syringe and pull back about 1/4cc of air and then remove the needle. From a new syringe take the needle off of it and place it on the syringe that you have your liquid in. This will give you a new, undulled needle. Inserting it through the top of your bottle will have dulled your previous needle. With another alcohol filled cotton swab wipe the injection site. Unsheathe your tightened needle making sure not to touch it to anything (this will unsterilize your needle and can cause severe problems with infection). Hold your syringe upright and push in the stopper slowly until all of the air in the syringe has been forced out. If some liquid trickles down the needle that is O.K., do not touch or wipe it. That will help in lubricating the injection site. Now, hold the syringe like a dart and at a 90-degree angle insert the clean new needle deep into the muscle. Once the needle is all the way into the muscle, pull back on the plunger to check if blood enters the syringe. If this happens it means that you have entered a blood vessel and that you need to withdraw and try again. Withdraw the needle from the buttocks and push the blood out of the syringe. Then replace the tip to ensure that the blood is not hidden in the tip of the needle. If there is not blood present, press the stopper in slowly (to prevent soreness) until all of the liquid has been injected. Lastly, remove the needle quickly and with another cotton swab apply pressure and gently massage the injection site (this will help with bleeding and also eliminate some discomfort in the following days). Try not to inject more than 2 cc's at one time and no more than twice a week in the same injection site. Place the plastic sheathe back on the needle and discard the entire syringe. Try not to inject more than 2 cc's at one time and no more than twice a week in the same injection site. Remember: DO NOT USE SYRINGE OR NEEDLE AGAIN


    Anabolic steroids, both oil and water based need to be injected intramuscularly (deep into muscle tissue). The most common place for intramuscular injections are in the buttocks, outer side of the thigh, and in the deltoid region of the arm. These muscles are preferred by many because of their thickness. These sites have a large number of muscle fibers and extensive fascia. Fascia is a type of connective tissue that surrounds and separates muscles. Because of this, the steroid or liquid being injected has a large surface area and a vast blood supply, which is better for absorption. When injecting, the goal is to go deep into the muscle tissue WITHOUT hitting major nerves and blood vessels. The best site for injecting is in the gluteus medius located in the upper outer area of the buttocks (see picture). The upper outer area is elected because the muscle in this area is very thick and has only a few nerves. In this area it is not likely that you will hit a blood vessel and the chances of injury to the sciatic nerve. This nerve runs through the lower and middle area of the buttock. If this nerve is hit, you may be temporarily paralyzed and it is very painful. You will want to stay as far away from the sciatic nerve as possible.


    Choosing the proper syringe is very important. First, you will want a syringe that will hold the desired amount of liquid. The liquid is measured in cc's. Second, you need to have needles that will penetrate deep enough into the muscle for optimum absorption. And lastly, you will need a syringe that is wide enough to deliver the fluid, but also thin enough not to hurt. The thickness of the needles is measured in gauges. An 18" gauge is much larger than a 22" or 23" gauge. Obviously the lower the gauge the wider the needle. There are many different sizes of syringe. You will find that some hold more fluid than others do and as mentioned some you will find are bigger and longer. The most favored size would be a 22" gauge with a 1.5" length (this is the most common for injections administered into the buttocks). 1" needles are usually preferred when going into the thigh or deltoid. If you are confused about this, call a pharmacist and ask them to help. In most cases they will."

    (Care of

    Most Important Part

    So here is the part that will save you from agony. Though people tend to discover this method after they have been in pain for weeks, I think that it is nessecary to do this on your first injection.

    Add to your injection a 1:1 ratio of sterile grapeseed or cottonseed oil. I am not sure exactly why this works but I wish I knew about it before I got the Test flu and a giant lump on my ass and quads. To my understanding is that the grapeseed oil dilutes the injection giving it less concentration and more surface area so the muscle does not become overloaded with hormones and react accordingly. You are still getting the same amount steriod you are trying to inject. After three unsuccessful shots and more pain than I ever want again, I used this method and was pain free.

    So you ask what do you mean 1:1? So if you were going to do a 1cc shot you would add 1cc of grapeseed oil to you injection. If you were going to do 2cc then you would add 2cc of oil. Side note- Do not inject more than 2cc into anyone spot, yes that means more injections but if you like being able to walk please follow this rule.

    I am no expert and I would like those on the board who are to please give their critiques and additional info. I hope this save's at least one person from making all the mistakes I did.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	83735  
    Last edited by BigDog69; 08-01-2007 at 01:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Moms Basement

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Thank you for sharing

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