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Thread: Can you still gain naturaly after dropping the gear?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Can you still gain naturaly after dropping the gear?

    Hy!I'm 22 years old,my wheight is 210 pounds,around 15 bf at 5'7.I have done 4 cycles using test,eq,deca,dianabol and winnie,not at once ofcourse.My usual cycle was something like this:
    Test(sust or enanthat)-500 mg /wk,weeks 1-12
    Eq(or deca)-400 mg/wk,weeks 1-12
    dianabol for kickstart:25-30 mg ed,weeks 1-5
    winnie:50 mg ed,weeks 8-12
    My pct was clomid+nolva,2-3 months off between cycles,kept most of the gains.My diet is around 4000 cals in cycle(high carb+high prot,low fat),and less off cycle,and i'm very strict about it.
    I got excelent result,around 30-40 pounds in 2 years,and i think maybe to stop using the gear as it got me near my objectives.
    My question is:Can i still grow naturally,after i restore my natural test production?I think it's unlikely that ,after shooting 500 mg of test a week,my body will respond only to my natural test?
    What do you think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    The South West
    For sure I have made awsome gains naturaly after many cycles.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    training and diet will be key and yes you can. good luck to you

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Donkey calf raises
    Quote Originally Posted by Visu
    Hy!I'm 22 years old,my wheight is 210 pounds,around 15 bf at 5'7.I have done 4 cycles using test,eq,deca,dianabol and winnie,not at once ofcourse.My usual cycle was something like this:
    Test(sust or enanthat)-500 mg /wk,weeks 1-12
    Eq(or deca)-400 mg/wk,weeks 1-12
    dianabol for kickstart:25-30 mg ed,weeks 1-5
    winnie:50 mg ed,weeks 8-12
    My pct was clomid+nolva,2-3 months off between cycles,kept most of the gains.My diet is around 4000 cals in cycle(high carb+high prot,low fat),and less off cycle,and i'm very strict about it.
    I got excelent result,around 30-40 pounds in 2 years,and i think maybe to stop using the gear as it got me near my objectives.
    My question is:Can i still grow naturally,after i restore my natural test production?I think it's unlikely that ,after shooting 500 mg of test a week,my body will respond only to my natural test?
    What do you think?
    your body will resume to normal with proper time off and pct.
    when was your last cycle?
    and with the proper diet and training, absolutely you will still make gains!, just to a lesser effect ofcourse.

  5. #5
    prime example.. close buddy lost a lot of mass because of a shoulder surgery. did a cycle to recover his mass. went from 175 to 200. lost 10 pounds off the bat to drop to 190. he started to lift and train naturally, and after 6 months he is up to 202lbs.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Canada - No source checks
    I think when you cycle say 4-5 times you have pushed your body to a size that is hopefully over your natural potential. If that is the case,you will not be able to get substantially larger naturally if you have already used aas to boost yourself over your natural limits.

    I think natural training afterwards is more for the goal of retaining the gains you made off of your cycles. Of course you can always diet and cut to get harder and more trimmed, but your body cannot make the gains naturally that you make on cycle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic
    I think when you cycle say 4-5 times you have pushed your body to a size that is hopefully over your natural potential. If that is the case,you will not be able to get substantially larger naturally if you have already used aas to boost yourself over your natural limits.

    I think natural training afterwards is more for the goal of retaining the gains you made off of your cycles. Of course you can always diet and cut to get harder and more trimmed, but your body cannot make the gains naturally that you make on cycle.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    all good points.

    your natural diet, should be clean, with a ton of protein.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    I havent dona many cycles and they havent been to high dosed but i still make natty gains. I am never on for to long so i dont get to shut down. Really i tend to make gains in my PCT to.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Canada - No source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    I havent dona many cycles and they havent been to high dosed but i still make natty gains. I am never on for to long so i dont get to shut down. Really i tend to make gains in my PCT to.
    I'm talking more about guys that have run long cycles with heavy mass gainers like tren, deca, etc.

    After cycling heavy and gaining weight upwards of like 230 pounds, i dont really think its possibly for them to get substantially larger, compared to anything they've gained on cycle. Yes natural diet should be packed with protein and calories to maintain your weight and hopefully put on new muscle. I just dont think those gains are really comparable to heavy mass gains on cycle.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    thanks,bros!interesting replies.

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