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Thread: Need some guidance with clenbuterol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    South Africa

    Question Need some guidance with clenbuterol

    I would like to cut-up and loose most body fat quick. I have got clenbuterol, ephedrine tabs, aspirin, caffeine. I can get cytomel, but would prefer not to use it because of the catabolic effect on muscle.

    In what quantities do I take the above, when during the day and do I take it all at once or spread it out. I want to maximise my efforts because I have alot of body fat to get rid of. Obviously I don't want a heart attack, but in the safest, and most effective dose possible.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Halifax, NS

    ECA stack advice

    First of all you will want to cycle it using two days on and then two off. In order to get the most effective fat burning you should stack 200 mg of caffeine and 300 mg of asprine coupled with 25 mg of ephedrine taken with a meal and washed down with a glass of high-concentrate grapefruit juice 2-4 times daily including one dosage 45-60 minutes before any type of aerobic or weight training session. It is worthy to note that grapefruit juice has within it an enzyme that gives your system an improved ability to digest the caffeine entirely into you system so that you can get the most powerful fat buring effect possible because it is usually flushed out of your system otherwise giving less effective fat burning. You must remember that your body will get used to this stack very quickly and you will not have the traditional shakes or tremors that you would likely have at the onset but don't make the mistake of taking more or increasing the dosage... you don't need to. Don't forget, two days on and then two off. This is important!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    South Africa

    Question Where does clenbuterol come in?

    Thanks for the reply, but where does clenbuterol fit into this stack. Do you take it with the ephedrine, aspirin and caffeine or seperately?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Clen should be taken two weeks on two weeks off not two dayz on two dayz off. Zoltan that 's the way it should be done bro you can ask anyone that.

  5. #5
    The original jason Guest
    take the clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off start at 1 tab and work up to max of 7 stay at 7 till the end of the 2 weeks, then cycle eca as above in the off two weeks


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    jason is right 2 weeks on/2 off with the clen, ECA during your off weeks. Matter of fact I'd only hit the ECA for one week, take a week off and give your receptors a break.
    Cytomel is catabolic to muscle however it also helps with protein synthesis. If you take in enough protein and keep up workout intensity then muscle loss while on T3 will be at a minimum, especially if using anavar, winny, primo, or even EQ. T3 and clen are great together and if you can get it I recommend using it. My appetite goes up quite a bit while using clen so an appetite suppresant might help if this happens to you. Good luck bro.

  7. #7
    CYCLEON Guest
    BigPete -s on the money - after 2 weeks clen loses its anabolic effects and the receptors get saturated - the erroneous idea of 2 days on/off comes from clen having a half life of about 36-48 hrs to be able to keep running it - unfortunately 2days it is still in ur system so it makes no difference.

    the best thing to do is to use ketotifen with the clen to continuously clens the receptors or to take it after the 2 weeks. the IP super clen has keto with it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    South Africa

    Question Need more info on clenbuterol

    Thanks for all the info, but this is my question, say you are at maximum dosage on clen (7 tabs). Do you take it all at once, say in the morning or spread it out eg. 2 tabs in the morning, 3 tabs in the afternoon, 2 tabs before a workout? The same with the ECA stack.

  9. #9
    The Iron Game Guest
    split them up but do not take it too close to bed time, personally this is ok for me

    7 tabs is a good strong dose to be using, especially if you have good stuff

    I have hit 7 tabs straight for 2 weeks, I have tried other ways, if you can handle the sides this is the way to go but as you have no experience taper up as OJ told you, you may wish to add calcium and potassium into your diet.

  10. #10
    CYCLEON Guest
    the clen u can take all in the morning but i usually split it up into 2 doses morn and 1-2pm - eca needs to be taken every 4-6hrs or so and not before bed

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Calgary Canada

    I'll give you another take on the fat loss.

    I think CYCLEON said Arimidex was the greatest stuff on earth in one post.

    Well, I think the greatest stuff on earth is Ritalin. If you're in university find some dude with ADD and buy pills off of him. It goes for $1-2/pill on black market, and 2 pills will rock you.

    Now I'm a big fan of ECA (forget 25mg of ephedrine though- 75mg is the goods), and I haven't tried clen, but you cannot beat hard amphetimines for fat loss.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I'm sorry Lush, I'm not a Professional Body Builder with years of experience with AS, but I've been a licensed Paramedic and to tell someone to use hard amphetimines IMHO is counter productive to the whole game here which is health and fitness(albeit on the edge). Maybe he should go the next level and buy some Meth from a street dealer and if he's already got syringes just mainline a quater gram of the real stuff and if he's not addicted in a couple months, he will be guaranted to be OH at least 20-30lb lighter. Hardcore Amphetimines are catabolic, Ritilin is in that class, not to mention the psycho-active componet which I could spent to much space here discussing.


  13. #13
    CYCLEON Guest
    gotta go with keywest - ritalin is not really for BB - now a good drug with similar effects but lacking many of the downsides is Mazindol - it also doesnt seem to have the dependancy properties that ritalin seems to. unfortunately it is scheduled also but only level IV unlike ritalin which is schedule 2 I believe.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Calgary Canada
    Keywestlifter & Cycleon,

    If ritalin is catabolic you have a good point. I have however made good gains at the gym and gotten ripped using ritalin over the course of a few weeks. I've actually done it alot over the years. now I may have never done it long enough tpo experience a catabolic effect- and it is pretty easy to build up strength in 2 or 3 weeks while not actually gaining muscle.

    So used properly, ("properly" is something you have to experiment with yourself) you can lose weight fast on ritalin. And I mean fast.


    Grow up buddy and open your eyes. Your association of amphetimines and street dealers and "mainlining" speed (did you learn the term mainlining off of Law&Order?) speaks volumes.

    I suspect you are speaking from a position of ignorance when it comes to hard drugs and have some serious preconceived notions- which are founded in ignorance.

    Once upon a time I was a kid in junior high and I thought drugs were terrible things. Pot was bad and would ruin your life (and it was something you bought from street dealers). Steroids were terrible things only cheating athletes did- given to them by corrupt coaches (mostly east germans and russians...). And they gave you cancer.

    it's all based on ignorance and fear of the unknown.

    See what I'm saying bro. drugs are drugs are drugs. It's all about weighing the pro's and cons of each and deciding what gets you where you want to go with acceptable consequences and side effects. And never judge another guys choices.

    Sorry man for ranting, but you touched on a real sore spot with me. I mean, you do realize the irony of harshly judging amphetimine use on a steroid board don't you?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Whats up Lush...Hey man wasnt trying to bust your balls too bad Bro. Its just there has to be a limit. I am grown up...40 Y/O...and I have massive experience with street drugs, OTC drugs, and pharm drugs. I could write an episode for Law and Order. So your opinions about my experience and motives in reguards my last post are wrong. Listen, speaking for myself, I know using AS are borderline behaviors in the name of fitness, but I do honestly believe I am using them wisely with wise information gather here and with my research elsewhere. I can only hope that the information I get here is correct, definitive and to the point. Thats the hope I have, and when I see a post like the one you put out there, I feel motivated to respond in hopes that I can add usefull information to this disscussion board. If that steps on your toes, get over it and move on. I believe in what I wrote.


  16. #16
    The original jason Guest
    something i want to add to this good thread, addiction is not about the chemical its about a personality I mean i can be just as addicted to sex and spending money and it can have as devastating effects on my life as my use of heroin for 8 years. I know alot about addiction cos i was in the gutter for along time and had no choice but to overcome my stuff have been free from drugs and alcohol for 7 years now. It just gets me when people tak about drugs as addictive sure heroin and cocaine are more physically addictve than hash but dependency comes from the physical obsession and mental compulsion to use more its not all about substance anyway thats my bit


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Calgary Canada

    yeah no mard feelings man. Normally I'm a mild mannered guy, but occasionally I get the rage. I really should have explained myself a little better on the original post.- my bad.

    Nice work on going clean Jason. Speaking for myself, I'm 25 and have tried every drug I could get my hands on. For about 6 years, alcohol has been my cross to bear. Haven't been a day without sauce until this week cuz I'm quitting for my next cycle. Trading one addiction for another- I mean, I'm just waiting for my gear to show up and it's ALL I think about every day.

    I don't really know where I was going with this- but the juice is changing my life- and for the better.

    peace bro's

  18. #18
    The original jason Guest
    ok bro if u want to email me feel free i understand the thrills and spills of addiction and alcoholism stick around


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    Is it possible to be addicted to steriods even though they have no addicting qualities? I mean in a sick sort of way I really love them. I like to talk about them I like to do them and I dont feel as good as I do when Im not on them. Does society accept them more than other drugs??? because they are a schedule 3 drug but I really never hear anything bad about them because atheletes use them

  20. #20
    The original jason Guest
    very possible to be addicted altough got to be carefull here cos im sure many people are in denial!!!!!!!?, it can be about anything that makes you feel good you just got to ask yourself truthfully can i stop?? the other thing is they say that if you are asking yourself "am I addicted?" you are cos normal people know they are not!!!!!!!!!!!! now whos that got thinking????


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