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Thread: cycle question/opinions welcomed

  1. #1

    cycle question/opinions welcomed

    hey everyone, i've been around reading a lot of posts...really informative stuff. i've also had no choice since i wasn't able to post anyway haha. ok but here's my question...
    would a 4-6 cycle of
    winny, anavar, primobolan and proviron be too much? or can i cut one of them out? or should i be ok? i'm obviously going for the lean, cut/jacked look. i'm 5'11 and i weigh 190. please, opinions are DEF welcomed!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I assume you mean 4-6 week cycle. Primo will not even kick in till around week 4-6 and it looks like your doing all DHTs which would be competeing with each other. I'd do more research before jumping into a cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    yeah you need to do some research before you do anything..I assume youve never cycled before?? Common first cycle is 500mg/wk of test e for 10-12 weeks followed by proper PCT...and your diet will dictate what kind of gains you get and keep..remember that, its the most important part!!

  4. #4
    i have done an anadrol cycle and and cycle of winny. research, i've been doing crazy research and a lot of the articles actually say to pair some of these together for the cutting further enhance the cutting/ripped effect:

    the proviron i put in there cause of the cutting effect, along with the estrogen/dht slowing, aromatase controlling properties. in a way to counterbalance the others??

    primo i wanted in there cause it seems like it's stronger than the other two while still working on the cut factor...not too mention it's on the safer side.

    winny i've taken before and loved the results...but taking it before i want a liiiiiiiiiiittle more with it this time...expand a little.

    anavar was for the strength gain/fat burning/cutting purpose. it's the kicker i want.

    but i guess all in all you're right...primo is probably gonna have to be taken out. since it's a little more pricey/not really needed in this considering i have so many close properties as it is.

    any comments concerns about this???

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    a drol cycle or a winny cycle isnt a real cycle IMO!!! cutting bodyfat is all dependant on diet and cardio. Do a simple test prop cycle and you can cut up nicely assuming your diet and cardio are in place.

  6. #6
    i mean, i'm in pretty good shape. my bf% is about 11. i'm trying to cut it to 6-7. i don't eat meat (only fish) i still intake about 1.5-2 gs of protein per pound. my saturate fat is low. calories are steady. i guess i just want that last extra edge/push to cut it up.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    you have a boatload of reading yet to do..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Never mind how much research you need to do. But better yet how long have you been lifting and what is your age?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    You can not get cut or jacked in 4 6 weeks.

  10. #10
    i'm 22...and i have done a cycle of winny and gained almost 6 pounds of straight muscle. i took to it very well. i noticed a visual difference in my body/muscles VERY quickly.

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