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Thread: Quad injection pain ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Quad injection pain ?

    I went back on some old threads and read, obviously different accounts on Quad injection pain, but my problem, which I didn't read one like it, consists of so much pain in my left quad, that, when I stand or walk with a certain amount of pressure, my leg will buckle, as in a spasmotic/weakness episode. My first injection was in the (r) quad 500mg with 1in 25g. Soar for a few days(sounded like pain as described by most others, nothing unusual) and I contributed it to virgin muscle. But the (L) quad is a whole different story. Location of injection was almost the same as (R) but the only difference was 23g 1 1/2in.

    I changed my original cycle plans from 250 test e 2x/wk for 10-12 weeks(Yes I know I should have stuck with that for the first go) but I didn't.

    I frontloaded 1000mg(500mg on Friday/Tuesday) Those days fit my schedule better. And then planned on 250mg 2x/wk.

    Its vet grade if that helps in any way. I tried massaging and heating pad but that seemed to aggrivate it. I do realize I was going to have some pain and discomfort but not weakness caused by pain. There is some swelling, but more in the form of looking slightly taught.(like a small amount of water was placed there) No redness or hotspots. Hurts to stretch but once stretched feels slightly better.

    Sorry for being long winded, but I figured the more information the less has to be asked or discussed.


  2. #2
    what's the size of your syringes? and what type of gear do u have, those that came in satchest or vials?

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
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    What area of the quad did you shoot? I shoot quads more than any other body part, but I stay near the upper area, never below half-way down.

  4. #4
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    3cc syr. vials...

    whats up Imagetbigger? I shot just aprrox. 2inches below the(looks like a ball muscle) I think its the hip flexor muscle.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10nispro
    3cc syr. vials...

    whats up Imagetbigger? I shot just aprrox. 2inches below the(looks like a ball muscle) I think its the hip flexor muscle.
    Hey bro. I'm still trying to figure out how what size syringe would make a difference
    I shoot mainly the extreme upper quad area.

  6. #6
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    Yeah I was turning the head to the side on that question also.

    I am trying to ratate sites, I was planning to inject (R) Glute tomorrow. Actually I am letting my wife do it. She wants to try so I said sure.

    Will try warming vial up with warm water, then inject.

    I am able to walk, but the (L) quad kinda wiggles even when flexed. weird feeling.

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
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    I always shoot very slowly, and usually don't get much pain, but occasionally it just happens. Of course try to hold the syringe still while shooting so the needle doesn't move side to side in the muscle.
    I'm on prop ed so I'm using many sites right now, just started shooting biceps a week ago and I'm liking that more than I thought I would.

  8. #8
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    Update on Quad....Last night I took my shower and decided to lay on floor with Leg elevated above my heart(placed it on bed) and put a heating pad on high, on the puffed up area on the quad. Did this for approx. 15mins. Massaged the area for 2 mins. About 30 minutes later I started with, what I am assuming was Test Flu symptoms, sweating(fever), aches, and some pains to the lower back and kidney area.

    This morning the puffiness was gone and just the muscle was sore. I was able to teach and play some tennis. Gonna try the (R) glute tonight with my wife as injecter.

  9. #9
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    Keep us posted...

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Will do...I have learned on this forum, so I am trying to give back.

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