I went back on some old threads and read, obviously different accounts on Quad injection pain, but my problem, which I didn't read one like it, consists of so much pain in my left quad, that, when I stand or walk with a certain amount of pressure, my leg will buckle, as in a spasmotic/weakness episode. My first injection was in the (r) quad 500mg with 1in 25g. Soar for a few days(sounded like pain as described by most others, nothing unusual) and I contributed it to virgin muscle. But the (L) quad is a whole different story. Location of injection was almost the same as (R) but the only difference was 23g 1 1/2in.
I changed my original cycle plans from 250 test e 2x/wk for 10-12 weeks(Yes I know I should have stuck with that for the first go) but I didn't.
I frontloaded 1000mg(500mg on Friday/Tuesday) Those days fit my schedule better. And then planned on 250mg 2x/wk.
Its vet grade if that helps in any way. I tried massaging and heating pad but that seemed to aggrivate it. I do realize I was going to have some pain and discomfort but not weakness caused by pain. There is some swelling, but more in the form of looking slightly taught.(like a small amount of water was placed there) No redness or hotspots. Hurts to stretch but once stretched feels slightly better.
Sorry for being long winded, but I figured the more information the less has to be asked or discussed.