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Thread: next cycle up and coming, comments please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    West coast of Canada

    next cycle up and coming, comments please

    well, Im not one to consider a new cycle without researching the shat out of it.

    anyway heres the basics
    26 years old
    221 lbs
    training 6 years
    bf% not exactly sure but low enough

    um, my cycle as of now looks like this

    test e (600mg/wk) weeks 1-12
    deca (400mg/wk) 1-10

    I know I am gyno sensetive from past cycles, was considering letro at .25-.5 a day while on cycle, then a classic pct to come off... however anthony roberts PCT sure seems to be popular and I am intrested in running it... this is where I would ask recomendations from other members.

    I have letro on hand, clomid and tamox... all enough to run for my pct.

    any comments or suggestions for nursing myself while on cycle to avoid gyno symptons would be appreciated, as well as feedback on anthony roberts PCT would be helpful. I currently dont have all the supps i need for this PCT, but I am sure I will be able to find them.

    thanks and I look forward to hearing your opinions.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Well the plan looks good. How many cycle did you did before?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Looks good. I would maybe extend the cycle for 2 weeks and/or add dbol for kickstart or do a frontload.

    I like AR's pct a lot. Just finished a cycle of test prop/ tren/ winny and that pct got me going in no time. Great stuff.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    West coast of Canada
    this will be my 4th cycle, I have dbol for jumpstart, not sure if I want to use it this time round. as for extending it another 2 weeks i wasnt sure about doing, I havent gone over 12 weeks before, thats 12 weeks on test e and 10 on deca sounded pretty average to me. however I will take it into conisderation as I will have left over gear which could be run that long...

    my main concerne however is in my pct. I am playin with the idea of anthony roberts pct, however I am open to suggestion. I know I am gyno sensetive and would rather not leave myself open for sides after my cycles is over.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    10 weeks is not much for the deca, but you will feel if you are still gaining or not after that time, then its up to you to run it longer or not.

    As for gyno. Letro will avoid it during cycle. During pct you will be running Aromasin and nolva, so i don't see a problem (knock on wood)

  6. #6
    I ran adex at .5mg ed during this prop/npp cycle and some gyno started flarin up...switched to letro now it has subsided...

    If you are gyno sensitive like I am, I would run it at .5 or even 1mg. Depends exactly HOW sensitive you are. I wouldn't use more than you have to though, I hate the stuff.

    Also, you may look into using some sort of prolactin suppressor...i.e. caber or bromo. Nand can cause progest gyno with all that test (all the aromatization)

    Hopefully, letro will prevent that, though
    Last edited by football2007; 10-02-2007 at 12:14 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    West coast of Canada
    okay, good info thanks bro... Ill keep reading on my pct however. ill be in the other thread if ya need me, lol thanks for the help guys.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    gyno from prolactin or from estrogen????
    Watch that letro man, its strong stuff. My joints all started to hurt after 8 or so weeks on it. (just like i was told) as soon as i stopped it, the pain was gone. Maybe just use adex or exmestane???
    b6 will help keep prolactin down a little, but caber ad bvromo are stronger options.

    cycle looks good, i ran almost the same exact one. I frontloaded mine, double dose for the first two shots, next time im going to double for 3-4, but im not gyno sensitive ( from test or decca, tren is another story)

    anthony roberts pct is whats most recomended here, hcg is supposed to work well, but im no doc and havent had blood work done yet.

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