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Thread: Passing out when injecting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Passing out when injecting

    I injected myself for the first time today. My cycle is fairly small (300 test E, 300 EQ) split into 2 injections per week. I am 24. I have never really been afraid of needles, but I have had similar reactions before. It happened like this: I finally got my gear. I have been researching for a while and was pretty excited to get started. I started getting read to inject, and everything was going well. I was only using 1cc total (0.5cc of Test E and 0.5cc of EQ) The 23G needle went into my thigh like butter. I barely even felt it. Aspirated, no problems, and then started to inject slowly. As I was injecting, I started to feel light-headed. I got about halfway done and felt like I was about to pass out. I pulled the needle out and put my head between my legs. Everything was going black and I felt a little nauseated. After a few minutes I started to feel better. I drank some water, ate some fruit, changed the needle and finished the injection with no problems.

    I have had this reaction twice before when receiving injections or having blood taken. This time was actually not as bad as the first time it happened (I actually passed out completely, and woke up a minute later feeling like I just died) or the second time, where it took almost a half hour to recover. I think it may have to do with the fact that since I was doing it myself, I could stop pull out when I started to feel it coming on. This doesn't happen every time, but if it starts happening on a consistent basis, it will be hard to continue. I don't like the idea of resorting to an orals only cycle.

    Has anyone had similar reactions? If so, did you overcome them? How did things turn out?


  2. #2
    yup, its happened to me b4 at the doctors when getting blood taken and once when i cut myself. its just low blood sugar man.

    fortunately i learned b4 i started juicing that i was prone to passing out when i did such things so now i make sure to eat before i inject.

    i always have a shake or a meal before i do an inject. you won't get lightheaded at all.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    GTA, Canada
    It's just an anxiety attack due to mental factors (i.e. thinking about it too much or being subconsciously scared/freightened). I got this the first time I did my injection except I didn't pass out and I snapped myself out of it.

    After a few times of getting used to injecting, the panic attacks go away. BUt that's all it is. It has nothing to do with your gear or anything, it's all mental/psychological.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    drink orange juice before you inject, it always works...

  5. #5
    Both above are true. Eat, relax , inject. I am a medic and I see it all the time.

  6. #6
    I’ve been passing out since I was 10 years old when getting a shot at the doctor (am now 40). I always tell the nurse that I pass out and she has me lay flat, and I do.

    I never thought that I could go through with giving myself a shot. I am in week 12 of 14 of my 1st cycle. You should do a search for my post called “My first Jab”. I almost lost it 4 different times before I finished it. Now, 11 weeks later, I actually look forward to injection day because I know it’s no big deal and I know the benefits it will bring. I had the “pass out” sensation the 1st week and it got much easier. Believe me, if I can get through it, anyone can.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Thanks for the replies!

    The low blood sugar thing makes a lot of sense. Now that I think about it, the other times it happened were first thing in the morning, before I had eaten much. I figured it might be something like that, since I had no problems after eating the fruit.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    IN MY LAB ;)
    I think about pink bunnies. No really, it works.

  9. #9
    life savers or some sugar candy during your inj. i have a friend who used to pass out getting tattoos and he doesn't anymore because of candy!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Do a search on vasovagal syncope, This is were mental stress cause physical symptoms in this case fainting. Vasovagal syncope is the most common type of fainting. The basics behind it is that the nerve that controls the cardiopulmonary tract (vagus nerve, aka cranial nerve X) is overstimulated and causes an inhibitory effect on the heart, lungs, and vicerol organs. This causes a drop in blood pressure, heart rate, breath rate, ect.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    ^^^ that's the same reason the doctor gave me when I passed out while donating/giving blood the last few times. Allthough I've never experienced it with injecting into muscle (as opposed to vessel), I would certainly say it's highly possible.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    it happened to my cousin once, while injecting he passed out and fell down luckily i held him and put him on bed he woke up after a min... it was'nt his first time injecting as of today i still don't know what caused him to passed out..

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    it happens to a lot of people bro, there are many reasons why one could pass out

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