Presently I'm running 600 mgs test e 400 mgs of deca, and 1.0 armidex eod going on 6 weeks. I am mid 40s, 6'2 216 lbs, 6 lbs i gained so far. First cycle in 20 years, i'm eating clean and some cardio. I would like to add Hgh/hcg to this cycle. Can I run them now or wait until I finish my 12 weeks? I would also like to run a thyroid substance along with the hgh. Roberts recommends .028 ius twice daily eod for 3 months per 1kg of body weight, conversion to lbs would be 1.4 lbs? I don't see where it indicates doseage for the thyroid or a serm. Also, he states to run igf and insulin with hgh to bump up the hgh. I also read to add hcg 2 weeks before end of test cycle. Can I do that while running the hgh for 3 months. Roberts also states to run test with the hgh to counter act the sex drive loss. Would it be too much to run all these together at one time?