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Thread: Arrow through dragon/snake head?

  1. #1

    Cool Arrow through dragon/snake head?

    I had to draw the symbol from the side of the pill. What is this?? Its sky blue in colour, shaped as seen and has a slit on one side. Is it Dbol?? British dispensary or dragons or somethen?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DBol Tabs.jpg 
Views:	4017 
Size:	287.3 KB 
ID:	86873  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    If you go to you can type in the website or email of supplier and they will tell you if that supplier is a licensed distibutor... if you're using black market then ???

  3. #3
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    I am a big fan of the British dispensary and have had the 5mg that we all know are pink the 10mg that are yellow and i know they do 15mg they might be wot u have but im not sure as i have never had them.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by skeldno View Post
    I am a big fan of the British dispensary and have had the 5mg that we all know are pink the 10mg that are yellow and i know they do 15mg they might be wot u have but im not sure as i have never had them.

    Ok great. are they DBOL or somethen else. What doseage should be taken if their real.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by m Evolution View Post
    Ok great. are they DBOL or somethen else. What doseage should be taken if their real.
    Those should be 5mg Dbols. Can't see a clear picture of them but from your drawing, it should be.... real. I'm hesitant to say something's real from a drawing though...

  6. #6
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    5mg dbol are pink those def aint pink! if they are the 15mg take 1 twice a day

  7. #7


    Thanks heaps for the info. These are about the first promising product.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck_R View Post
    If you go to you can type in the website or email of supplier and they will tell you if that supplier is a licensed distibutor... if you're using black market then ???

    then what???

  9. #9
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    That is 50mg Anadrol from Stanlabs, an associate company that merged with British Dispensary (not British Dragon) to help with distribution. The ** ones are green also but round with the serpent on one side. Dbols are pink.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by jerseyboy View Post
    That is 50mg Anadrol from Stanlabs, an associate company that merged with British Dispensary (not British Dragon) to help with distribution. The ** ones are green also but round with the serpent on one side. Dbols are pink.
    What dose do you think I should take? HAd mixed responses with these.

  11. #11
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    have you looked it up in the steroids profiles section... alot of times it will give a good dosage for substances...

  12. #12
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    50mg a day for 4 weeks is plenty especially if your a novice. Anadrol is very hard on your liver you should be taking milk thistle or liver rite. It will also crash your natural test levels hard so you should be running test with it. You'll gain lots of weight but most of it will be water bloat.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by jerseyboy View Post
    50mg a day for 4 weeks is plenty especially if your a novice. Anadrol is very hard on your liver you should be taking milk thistle or liver rite. It will also crash your natural test levels hard so you should be running test with it. You'll gain lots of weight but most of it will be water bloat.
    alot of water wieght.... go with test e or test c..... and yes milk thistle should be ran with this stuff... i get my milk thistle from gnc... its a little expensive, but well worth it.

  14. #14


    Thanks for the advice guys. I will be running a test 250 with it. I was going to stack tabs in th middle 2/day for 4weeks of 8-10. I'm very lean 90kgs (8% Bod Fat)and do not hold much water, so it will be a good change. I continually do milk thistle courses with breaks (liverguard 30000) and will be runing natural anti estro tabs. What gainn should I get and keep from the tabs??

  15. #15
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    IMO any gains you get from tabs will most likely be lost after discontinue of usage... thats why you usually opt to only use them in the begining to kick start a cycle just for the instaint streangth gains.... you should run the tabs in weeks 1-4 at 50mg, and
    test e, (im guessing thats what you have) at 500mg a week during weeks 1-12... you should see alot of gains from that cycle if you lift right and diet right... most of the gains from the tabs will be lost though... follow up with a proper PCT and i think you would be happy....

  16. #16


    How can I keep gains from the tabs?? Why will I loose them??

  17. #17
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    It's already been said. Most of your gains are water weight. You will gain some strength and theoretically be able to lift more weight causing muscle to grow but the rebound effect of your natural test levels being suppressed is what kills you. It's a good idea that your running the test but you don't need 2 pills a day. 1 tab split up into 2 or 4 doses throughout the day will be plenty. Follow it up with a good PCT and you should be able to keep a solid 10 pounds or more.

  18. #18


    Thanks guys. That has helped me heeps. I'm not sure now weather I should take the tabs if they will not give me that much. I read as much as I can about these products but I like reading personal experiences from body builders. I'm only new to the forum thing and a little slow so thanks again for the patients.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    i would take the tabs.... you might loose most of it from the tabs, but if you take test with it you will hardly notice it. those tabs will help your strenght go up so when the test kicks in you can lift harder and heavier to help insure maximum muscle growth....imo

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