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Thread: hello everybody...really needs your help

  1. #1

    hello everybody...really needs your help

    It looks like a great forum and I'M happy to post my first thread..

    I have 2 questions GUYS and i'll love to hear your opinion..

    1.does anybody knows the brand Edited. Do not post lab names ...hear about someone who used it or any information about Edited will be great..

    2.I started my first cycle 5 weaks ago.
    the cycle is very simple 12 weaks of 500 mg of test cypionte (2 shuts a weak)...the brand is Edited i trusted my coach and I MADE a mistake..
    anyway IT'S been 5 weaks(plus another day) and I FEEL absoulotlly nothing at nutrition is perfect...the trainig are the best but I Feel no change what so ever...

    what do you say stop the cycle???

    thanks a lot...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    right here
    my nutrition is perfect )could u please post ur diet and stats

  3. #3
    hi ramblin...
    my stats are 219 lbs 9-10 far naturle..
    I'm a personal trainer myself and a nuitritinon freak...most of the people think I'M on the juise for years...
    actully I always thought I'LL stay nuatrle but IT's almost impossible for me to improve anymore after years of waightlifting
    my diet:
    about 4200-4300 kalories
    3-3.5 protien for kg(I'M FROM EUROPE SORRY)
    only whole carbs(I HOPE I say it english isn't so good)
    6 meals a day

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    right here
    age ?

  5. #5
    ramblin I'M IN THE SPORT FOR YEARS ....
    in the steroid field I'M NEW....

    what do you think about my qouestion...stop the cycle?
    the only reason I TRUSTED MY COACH in the gym(I TRAIN PERSONAL AND IN ANOTHER GYM) IS THAT he is years in the buisness(he's 50 years old) and use to compete in pro bodbuilding for years...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    did you gain any weight yet? cyp can take 5-6 weeks to really notice it..if youre not gaining..up your cals

  7. #7
    I KNOW IT takes about 5-6 week to really notice it ...but the thing is that I don't feel nothing at all up to here...
    IT isn't like I FEEL IT A little and waiting for the real boost...

    I gain about 11 pounds BUT I took creatine since the begining and I'M on a high calories diet ...
    Last edited by terminator7; 01-18-2008 at 11:37 AM.

  8. #8
    the 2 questions are:

    1.did you hear about the brand syntrop ?

    2.IS it normal not to feel a thing (nothing at all)after 5 weeks+1 day.?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    Quote Originally Posted by terminator7 View Post
    I KNOW IT takes about 5-6 week to really notice it ...but the thing is that I don't feel nothing at all up to here...
    IT isn't like I FEEL IT A little and waiting for the real boost...

    I gain about 11 pounds BUT I took creatine since the begining and I'M on a high calories diet ...

    sounds like its working to me..11 lbs isnt from creatine!! Never heard of that brand it..their website is the first one listed

  10. #10
    I always gain 10+- from 5 weeks of creatine+high diet nutrition in 5 weeks....IT'S the water from the creatine...

    the thing is I DON'T feel working waights isn't much higher(+10 in my bench) but I THINK THE CHANGE IS FROM THE CREATINE...
    anyone alse??

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Edited. Do not post lab names.

  12. #12
    ROTARY I have no idea why you answer like that...

    anyway; I feel absoultlly nothing that's the reason I'M asking if it's normal?

    WHY is it so complecated to say if it's normal or not to not feel a thing after 5 weeks+2 days from the first shut.??a lot of you have cycled before is it normal..??should I go on with the shuts??
    as I said I'M new to the steroid world that's why I'M asking your opinion...

    can you tell me what do you know about syntrop??!! because I google it...ASKED PEOPLE AND NO ONE KNOWS...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by terminator7 View Post
    ROTARY I have no idea why you answer like that...

    anyway; I feel absoultlly nothing that's the reason I'M asking if it's normal?

    WHY is it so complecated to say if it's normal or not to not feel a thing after 5 weeks+2 days from the first shut.??a lot of you have cycled before is it normal..??should I go on with the shuts??
    as I said I'M new to the steroid world that's why I'M asking your opinion...

    can you tell me what do you know about syntrop??!! because I google it...ASKED PEOPLE AND NO ONE KNOWS...
    Posting the name of a UGL is against the rules.

    What do you mean, you don't feel anything ? You've gained 12 lbs so far. What type of "feeling" are you waiting for ?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    maybe he thought he would instantly look like a pre builder over night.

  15. #15
    ok I didn't know about that rule sorry..
    and no I didn't think I'll look like a pro over night!!!

    but I thought I'LL feel a little bit horny after almost 5 and a half week...I thought that I'LL gain some straighnt...
    11 lbs over 5 and a half weeks with creatine+high calories diet is more than normal..

    I'LL ask it this way : did someone here did a test cypionate cycle and also didn't feel horny/ got stronger whithin 5 and a half weeks from the first shut....from his experince is it common with cypionate

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Thumbs down

    syntrop comes from scandinavia will not tell wich country but close to germany so some people can figured out wich country it is

    but why do they use brown vials and not clear? it is because you cant see if its cryslatised ore there is something hair ore something like that inside you will not could see it shitty metode to sell! + brown vials its cheaper then clear vials

    Quote Originally Posted by terminator7 View Post
    the 2 questions are:

    1.did you hear about the brand syntrop ?

    2.IS it normal not to feel a thing (nothing at all)after 5 weeks+1 day.?

  17. #17
    I've been actually searching for any info about this brand Syntrop and encountered this info,
    my freind have just got this product.
    i could locate some very positive feedbacks from east and central europe forums but not much info from the state… any one tried ?

    I would like just to send my comment to my friend here who raised the questions –
    1. to expect a 12lb gain from creatine is way too optimistic, especially if it’s not the first experience with it, these 12lb came out of the test.
    2. when using androgens the effect of supplementing creatine is much less pronounced as the steroid raises drastically the synthesis of phosphocreatine in the muscle cells.
    3. next time mate, if you like to bulk up, you better combine with cyp some anabolic agents like deca or bold with preferably some 17-alpha gear like D-ball or anadrol (or/and maybe some tren). To go for only 500mg/week of Cyp is a poor choice unless that’s all you have in your arsenal. Add what I suggested and I’m positive you would double at least your results, especially the long run results to expect 12lbs from pure 500mg/week of cyp after 5 weeks, considering it's a very slow acting ester, is reasonable mate...

    Quote Originally Posted by terminator7 View Post
    It looks like a great forum and I'M happy to post my first thread..

    I have 2 questions GUYS and i'll love to hear your opinion..

    1.does anybody knows the brand Edited. Do not post lab names ...hear about someone who used it or any information about Edited will be great..

    2.I started my first cycle 5 weaks ago.
    the cycle is very simple 12 weaks of 500 mg of test cypionte (2 shuts a weak)...the brand is Edited i trusted my coach and I MADE a mistake..
    anyway IT'S been 5 weaks(plus another day) and I FEEL absoulotlly nothing at nutrition is perfect...the trainig are the best but I Feel no change what so ever...

    what do you say stop the cycle???

    thanks a lot...

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