Im currently on t-400 and eq 300 all of it is real im having a hard time gaining weight and getting stronger any suggestions on what i could do to help me out....
Im currently on t-400 and eq 300 all of it is real im having a hard time gaining weight and getting stronger any suggestions on what i could do to help me out....
What is your diet, in detail?
how long you been on? Cycle history? Some stats please.
Well start off my morning with 10 eggs i have cooked chicken breasts with sides of string beans and spinach ill occasionally switch that up... I eat about 6 meals a day exceeding 100grams of protein easitly for dinner ill usally have cooked read meat some times chicken with a side of cottage cheese.. any advice on how many calories and grams of protein i should be getting im 5ft9 192 pds
ive only been on for about 3 weeks now but usally i see results i only took a previous bottole of decca and a previous bottle of test but several months ago
Up the dosage of test to 600mg and eq to 600mg. I personally think t4 is crap but if thats what you got add another 1/2 cc a week. Give it couple of more weeks and I think you should see results.
Any reason on thinking t4 i no good and any suggestions on what would be good to gain weight without orals
What exactly is your cycle, dosages, frequency, and duration?
T4? I thought we were talking T400? How did we go from test to thyroid hormones?
Sounds to me like you are first off early in the cycle and expecting too much.
Also, you don't sound too sure about your diet. "over 100g" isn't much protein when gaining naturally. Much less on gear.
And how's your rest/recovery? You need sleep to grow too.
Eat, eat, eat.
At 190 lbs. you need at least 380 gms of protein.
With only 3 weeks on cycle, i wouldn't expect to see anything this early. Are you sure that you didn't have placebo gains last time? Yeah, you need to have double your weight in grams of protein a day. Give it another week or two and if still nothing, check your source.
in t400 i meant test 400 sorry for the misuse of words how many mgs per week shouldi be getting
That depends how many mg you want to use, of course.
u eat ten eggs, every single morning? I dunno maybe but I find that a lil hard to believe because just 4 cooked scrambled eggs on a plate is a shytload...
then ur just a little guy budddy go big or go home
of corse i dont eat them in one sitting
That sounds like one sitting to me. So over how many sittings do u eat ur 10 eggs? and what time? you know ur body absorbs protein most efficiently at 1:06 PM so i hope ur eating them around that time bro.
eat eat eat
one suggestion would be to focus on compound movemnt and when u do them stay in a rep range of 4 to 8 above that int e 10 to 12 range is more toward toning and you should have a proper post work out meal with good protein and carbs in it and another suggestion is to have a protein meal for bedtime to get u to grow then
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