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Thread: suggestions/ideas HGH

  1. #1
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    suggestions/ideas HGH

    First post here but have been doing some research for about the last month. Heres my situation and just looking to get some info from experienced individuals. I'm currently 31 5'9 160 and a former athelet. I still work out and try and stay in shape but ever since I hit 30 I've notice my energy level dropping and my workouts not doing what I'd like for my body. My goal is to put on about 5-7 LBS of muscle (tighten everything up)and get the energy level up again. I've just hit a dead end with muscle gain. I'm real serious about starting a 6 month cycle of hgh run as such:

    week 1-4 (1iu per day)
    week 5 & 6 ( 2 iu per day)
    after that do 2.5 iu per day until the 6 months are up

    What are your thought? Should It be 5 days on 2 days off? Should I cycle different?
    I've also looked at the search menu but just can't seem to find the right combo. Thanks for any help you could give.

  2. #2
    Last edited by barondumonde; 04-13-2008 at 03:59 AM.

  3. #3
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    Feb 2008
    On weeks 5-6 should I split that into 2 injections of 1.5 each time?
    weeks 7-8 / 2 injections of 2 iu's?
    What about weeks 9-20?

    Once again thanks

  4. #4
    Last edited by barondumonde; 04-13-2008 at 03:59 AM.

  5. #5
    I'm curious to why go 5 days on and 2days off?

  6. #6
    Last edited by barondumonde; 04-13-2008 at 04:00 AM.

  7. #7
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    Most people do the 5/2 split to save money. Also, you should be able to start off at 2iu with no problems. My girlfriend starts at 1.5.

  8. #8
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    If you have ever run any type of AAS you will most likely be disappointed with the gh. It is a wonderful thing, but it seems in the quantities you are doing, you will not see a change. At least not to justify the money you will spend. Dont get me wrong, I love the stuff, but I think you may wish you did more or had more once you start. If you can afford to increase the doses and continue doing HGH after the time you stated, you may yield more desirable results. This is just my opinion, but I dont think you will be happy with what you suggested. GH is not like AAS in that you do not have to run it like a cycle. Also, if you said you are starting to feel your energy dropping, you might want to go get some blood work done and get some test prescribed to you in low doses to add to your plan. Good luck and please let us know your results what ever you decide.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Hey guys thanks a lot this is the info I was looking for. I'll really have to look at the right hgh product and pricing. Any recommendations

  10. #10
    Last edited by barondumonde; 04-13-2008 at 04:00 AM.

  11. #11
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    Feb 2008
    I've heard of the generic blues and also Jintropin. Is there any true way to tell if its pure?

  12. #12
    Last edited by barondumonde; 04-13-2008 at 04:00 AM.

  13. #13
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    Dec 2007
    barondumonde,so you think that more or less 1.5-2.5 will bring the hgh of a 20 years old?do you think that also aply for a 240lb 42 years old 20 years experience lifting but none on aas?

  14. #14
    Gear's Avatar
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    Have your tried approaching this issue the natural way? The feeling good and more energetic part can be achieved simply by modifying your diet. The gaining of 5lb of muscle can be a mission but it's not a mission impossible.

    I don't believe HGH is your answer, especially if you have never taken drugs as such before. I would visit the diet forum and tell them all this and see what other opinions you get, but I do know your goals can defenitely be achieved naturally.

    Good luck to you.


  15. #15
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    Gear - I completely understand where your coming from. Me and the wife did a diet plan together and it just didn't seem to give me what I was looking for. The 5 - 7 LBs of muscle has just hit a dead end with my workouts. I know from reasearch there are some side affect with hgh but it also seems there are a lot of possitive things with it too. Not rich but money isn't the big issue I just see a lot of goods things that can come about. If I can put on more than 5-7 lBS of muscle down the road that would be great. I'd really like to give it a shot for 6 month and take it from there. I know I have a lot to learn about it but with the help from here hopefully I will get my questions answerd and then make the right decision.

  16. #16
    Last edited by barondumonde; 04-13-2008 at 04:00 AM.

  17. #17
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    Not sure if I can ask this and if not sorry. I've been ssing some articles that T4 is also a good thing to take with HGH, around 50-100 mg before bed on the days you use HGH. Is this something that can help increase muscle mass? Now the question I'm not sure about what products are used with success?

  18. #18
    Gear's Avatar
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    HGH lowers your T4, therefore it would be wise to take T4 while using HGH.


  19. #19
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    Gear - Is it possible that you could recommend a good product? Sorry if thats not ok to ask

  20. #20
    Last edited by barondumonde; 04-13-2008 at 04:00 AM.

  21. #21
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hockeyguy View Post
    Gear - Is it possible that you could recommend a good product? Sorry if thats not ok to ask
    You could either take baron's advice above or purchase some T4 from a research chem, I think Lion may have it in stock.


  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Perfect. Should that run along with the 6 month cycle of hgh from start to finish 5 on/2 off?

  23. #23
    Gear's Avatar
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  24. #24
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    thers absolutley no need to taper off....on, yes to minimize sides and to recognize advers reactions but no need to taper down near end of cyucle
    Quote Originally Posted by barondumonde View Post
    These are relatively low doses of hgh...the physiological levels are 1.5 to 2.5 IUs per day around the ages of 18-21. 2.5 IUs per day won't do that much for you in terms of muscle gain, but it WILL definitely help you if you're looking to feel young again.

    Definitely do the 5 days on 2 days off protocol. If you can afford it, I would suggest something like this:

    weeks 1-2: 1 IU per day
    3-4: 2 IU per day
    5-6: 3 IU per day
    7-8: 4 IU per day
    9-20: 5 IU per day
    21-22: 2 IU per day
    23-24: 1 IU per day
    Week 25: End of Cycle

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by hockeyguy View Post
    First post here but have been doing some research for about the last month. Heres my situation and just looking to get some info from experienced individuals. I'm currently 31 5'9 160 and a former athelet. I still work out and try and stay in shape but ever since I hit 30 I've notice my energy level dropping and my workouts not doing what I'd like for my body. My goal is to put on about 5-7 LBS of muscle (tighten everything up)and get the energy level up again. I've just hit a dead end with muscle gain. I'm real serious about starting a 6 month cycle of hgh run as such:

    week 1-4 (1iu per day)
    week 5 & 6 ( 2 iu per day)
    after that do 2.5 iu per day until the 6 months are up

    What are your thought? Should It be 5 days on 2 days off? Should I cycle different?
    I've also looked at the search menu but just can't seem to find the right combo. Thanks for any help you could give.
    I think the doses you mentioned are a little modest to put on any kind of muscle mass but you will def. benefit in the other ways mentioned as far as ************. It will help with recovery, give you better sleep and burn some bodyfat.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by barondumonde View Post
    Buy any generic, U.S. manufactured levothyroxine sodium tablet from a pharmacy or good source. You should use a dose on the lower side--about 50mg.
    yeah I think you mean mcg's.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by hockeyguy View Post
    I've heard of the generic blues and also Jintropin. Is there any true way to tell if its pure?
    As long as there are generics available I won't waste the extra money on anything else. I've run Jintropin and I've run generics. Same results.

  28. #28
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    Thanks for all your help. I'm about a week from starting my first 6 month cycle and just want to know a bit more about taking some T4 along with the hgh. I understand from gears help that during hgh your t4 will be lower and taking a thyroid supp can help keep this more stable. Besides keeping your T4 more stable does adding this supplement help in wieght loss or muscle can if taken with hgh?

  29. #29
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    Lower doses aroung 25mcg's are meant to just supplement the suppression of the thyroid that GH causes. You can certainly use higher doses up around 100mcg's. What it does is accelerates the way your body burn up carbs, protein as well as FAT. Higher doses make me shaky and gittery.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mealticket View Post
    thers absolutley no need to taper off....on, yes to minimize sides and to recognize advers reactions but no need to taper down near end of cyucle
    I think a person should always taper on HGH to see how they are going to respond, but no need to taper off. Anything below 4iu a day is a waste in my experience. 4 to 5iu a day will help with overall general feeling of good health, better sleep, recovery, sex drive, feeling younger. But you wont see any gains in muscle mass at that low of a dose. I do 5 iu a day and it is fabulous. I am 45 yo and feel 25. I work out, cardio and light weights, 5 days a week. Anything under 4 iu a day is a waste of $. JMHO

  31. #31
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    I agree 5iu's is the sweet spot. Above that I get lethargic.

  32. #32
    Last edited by barondumonde; 04-13-2008 at 04:01 AM.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by barondumonde View Post
    I've heard of a lot of guys here say that you don't need to taper off. Well, IMO it would be wise to do so. WHY? Because your pituitary might be a little slow after 4-6 months of exogenous supply. You could potentially end up feeling like crap for the first week after stopping the hgh as your pituitary jumps back online.

    So what would be a solution? Well, it would seem reasonable to take small doses of hgh (1 IU) for the last week or two of your cycle so that you avoid any suffering that might come from stopping the hgh abruptly at your max dose (5 IUs/day).

    That's my rationale. Maybe someone else has a differing opinion they'd like to support with some intelligent reasoning...which I'd be glad to learn from.
    I know from personal experience that I dont really notice any differance in how I feel when I come off HGH other than back to my old self, 45 yo, and it takes awhile before that even happens, like about a month or so. I know alot of guys who have cycled on and off of HGH, and they nwever taper off of it. They just quit when they are done with a cycle, and as with me, it takes a month or so before they notice any differance in how they feel.
    As far as "seemingly reasonable" to drop your dose to 1iu a day? your pituitary gland puts more that that out on its own, even directly after a cycle. So why waste 1iu a day to taper off?

  34. #34
    Last edited by barondumonde; 04-13-2008 at 04:01 AM.

  35. #35
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    Great info guys. I do plan to taper off being it will be my first cycle. I'm looking at doing just 1 iu for the last week. Being that I'm keeping things on the low end and will be using something for my T4 during the 6 month cycle. Do I need to do a PCT when coming off? Depending how I feel after my first run on hgh I may do another 6 month.

  36. #36
    Last edited by barondumonde; 04-13-2008 at 04:01 AM.

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Baron, thanks for all your help with everything man. I feel all set and ready to go just need yp find a reliable supplier. So much research but its all worth it in the end. All you guys have been a lot of help/

  38. #38
    Last edited by barondumonde; 04-13-2008 at 04:01 AM.

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