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Thread: I think I got scammed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    I think I got scammed

    I'm omitting the source and his addy, but basically here's what happened. (Keep in mind that this WU transfer was made 44 days ago)

    I had ordered clomid from overseas (yugoslavia) for a buck a peice. With the western union charges and his shipping charges, it amounted to about 157** dollars (ordering for 3). He said it was sent and it should take 14 days to arrive. Then after 18 days I told him that it hadn't arrived and he emailed me saying that it came back before another package had messed up the mailing address. So he said he'll resend it asap. Then a few days about, which was about 14 days after he was supposed to 'resend it asap', I emailed him telling him I STILL didn't get anything. He emailed me back day before yesterday telling me that his friend ratted him out and that he got busted bigtime and that he's in all this trouble. He said sorry and that he would make sure my order got sent eventually but he needs time or some shit.

    Tell me that isn't some BULLSHIT!?!

    If the mods will let me, I'd like to post his websites, and email. I have all the emails saved too for now...
    Last edited by rampage76; 10-04-2002 at 03:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Boise, Idaho
    Buy clomid domestic bro.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Originally posted by dizzle
    Buy clomid domestic bro.
    TRUST ME BRO, I KNOW NOW!! I was just being hasty when I made that order. Being in a rush usually leads to getting scammed, ya know? I got a trusted source now, no worries. I just want to kinda warn people about the guy who scammed me, maybe prevent other people from getting fucked over.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Sounds lame Bro, but at least you gotta hand it to him, he replied back! Then again, once you get busted you don't write no one, specially if you're in jail, no??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Actually its really weird bro, first he replies telling me that it came back, and that he will resend the next day, but then 2 weeks after that he says that he will send as soon as he gets back on his feet. i wonder how many people he is sending these excuses to

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    In a cage near you...
    Damn bro, domestic clomid are cheaper than that...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    That's what I was thinking Ironfist. You went overseas for that price. I hope he went to jail for highway robbery. Sorry to hear about it though bro it always sucks to get taken.

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