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Thread: convince me

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    convince me

    DISCLAIMER: im sorry, this may seem like a huge waste of time to most of you, and if i were reading it i would think so also, but it is a serious question.

    can someone convince me not to take steroids at 18 with 2 years of training under my belt? i know the side effects of steriods. i know that there is a safe way and an unsafe way to do them. and i know that i should not take them and that it would be of great benefit to me if i waited. but it is amazingly tempting. being in high school still and already being a pretty big guy at 6'2" and 210 at about 12% and recieving a great deal of compliments already, i cannot imagine how amazing it would be to be 235.

    PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU RESPOND: This is not a wholehearted question. i am not going to participate in steriod use for a few more years because of what i know. but as i said before, it is amazingly tempting and i believe that it would help me a great deal to not be as tempted if some of you wiser men could give me some input. also, i believe it will not only help me, but the other teens that visit this board. because we come here and hear about all of these guys who have gotten amazing gains off of steriods and have not had any serious health problems.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    If you use steroids at your age.. you will close your growth plates and will not grow taller than a few inches at most. You must educate yourself Bro. You will have more than enough time to become "massive" be carefull.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    At 18 you have enough hormones in your body to get gains that are impossible at... say... 30 when natural t-levels take a nose dive. So enjoy your current natural levels.

    AAS are NOT RECREATIONAL DRUGS and should not be treated as such. They are to be used only by mature and experience athletes who have an advanced knowledge of a variety of training principles and theories.

    Whether pronounced effects with AAS happen in mature muscles is still a debate but the valuable knowledge you can gain in your natural years is not. That valuable knowledge can be carried over and supplemented later with AAS, if you choose to do so.

    Take at least another 3-4 years to learn what gets you results that are not masked by AAS use. It is a shame to see someone training in incorrect form and can not explain why they use their current training split... users with little natural knowledge give AAS use a bad rap.

    Take your time to read and keep developing yourself naturally so you can effectively "represent" the sport later without looking like a simpe (albeit, BIG) drug addict if you do choose to use.

    If you want some good book recommendations you can see my signature's list. Some offer good overviews of anabolic and androgenic steroids but all are pumped full of natural training information.

    It is good to recognize the temptation but do not give in to it this early in your bodybuilding lifetime... after all, athletic training must be a lifetime interest, desire and motivation to even consider using AAS. Otherwise you would be a simple strung out, pimple poppin', greasy addict.

    Learn - knowledge is power.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    thanks warrior. thats what i was looking for. also, im extremely grateful that took my question seriously and didnt' just comment that i am a stupid teenager or something along those lines, which i have seen occur quite often on other boards.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Originally posted by skinnyhb
    thanks warrior. thats what i was looking for. also, im extremely grateful that took my question seriously and didnt' just comment that i am a stupid teenager or something along those lines, which i have seen occur quite often on other boards.

    This isnt just any other board bro! This is AR, the best board out there!

    And you should wait a couple of years before doing juice. You got alot of natural growth to do.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Great reply Warrior.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Also bro, if you don't have your training and nutrition down to a tee, then you are bascially wasting your virgin receptors. With proper diet and training, you could put on 30lbs from a first cycle.

    However, if you are not concerned about height, and you have educated yourself and make an intelligent decision to go ahead, then more power to you and happy growing.
    I'll be turning 18 in a month and hope to be 240 by then. I'm on my second cycle.
    Also, from PERSONAL experience, i'm not convinced of the growth plate theory. If you wanna know why, send me a pm

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    correct me if Im wrong, but I think I read SOME people who use steroids at a younger age (under 20) developed anixety disorders once they got into there mid twenties. they gave evidence to link the two, but I can't remember what it was unfortunitly.

    so there's also a chance of that, which would not be a cool thing to live with at all.

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