Originally Posted by
Teflon Don
Greetings and Salutations ladies and gentlemen. This is my first post so GEAR if your reading this I apologise in advance if I say something im not supposed to. It's been almost 6 months since I walked into the gym due to a new bundle of joy/misery which arrived just before xmas. Everything in life that was normal was turned upside down. Diet, sleep, training and so on. Now that everything is returning to normal I am in the process of hoarding my supplies for my next cycle.
In my absence from the scene operation RAW DEAL went down so now I find myself in a precarious position because finding the vital ingredient (Jintropin) to my master plan is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
GenSci is not shipping to USA or U.K directly anymore. To make matters worse (dont worry GEAR no websites) I've stumbled upon maybe 9 or 10 sites all claiming that they are the real deal and all the other sites are scam artists. Now maybe there were those shrewd enough to buy direct from Gensci and stockpile their gear and then wait till Gensci got castrated and then kicked them while they were down or maybe this was all a carefully orchestrated plot by Mr Jin Lei to take some of the heat of himself by shifting the blame on middle men. Either way Chinese are known for being both shrewd and stingy.
Anyway some of these sites have their own methods of identification i.e serial number verification. Now if these sites are a scam then the whole verification process is pointless. Furthermore I have seen Jintropin in yellow tops and green tops. Apparently the green tops are new and yellows are on their way out. Maybe Gensci flogged all the yellow tops off deleted all records of serial numbers and started to produce green tops with different security features to escape the heat. Who knows?? There is a possibility.
Im sure there are many ppl in the same position as me who are very confused over who to trust when it comes to Jin. I've heard of ppl who have been scammed out of thousands. Some got dud gear others didn't receive anything. So taking everything into consideration I've decided to make the trip in search of the truth to GenSci headquarters out in China. With the Olympics round the corner I'm sure business must be firing. Will let you all know whats really cooking..