I’ve always felt like I’ve kept on top of my working out, on top of my diet, I’ve always been active and always been in good shape. I always felt this way, until….
In the past 6 months, I’ve fallen in love with 3 girls. Okay, I am a self admitting sucker for love I guess. I enjoy being in love, as sad as it always ends I enjoy the “idea” if you will. I like the comfort, to coming home to a nice girlfriend or wife who is happy to see you. Who would not? You come home, you have a beautiful creature waiting for you and happy to see you. An hug is on the horizon, or embrace if you will. As you embrace, you start to feel that enjoyable growth that sometimes even leads to the horizontal tango.
On paper, with a plan, having a pen draw out the ideal guy for a girl, I do alright. Honestly, even in the field at the bar with the boys, I tend to do as good as any and better than most. I’m comfortable talking, I’ve always carried a natural confidence and I’m smarter than most the girls I talk too. I have a really good career, I’m 27 and have 5 houses (4 investment properties), I own the fastest growing roofing company in the area and make good money off it. I am about the most thoughtful guy a girl could ask for. The last girl, I even made brownies for at least once a week. I brought her lunch to her work 3-4 times a week and would stay to eat with her, then go back to work. I just happen to have all this going for me, AND I’m good looking. Can you believe that? Who knew, if I was a sperm donor I could probably quit working. Hell, I don’t even have any cavities, my teeth are naturally perfect, I have no genetic disorders and I’m not even Bi-Polar.
With that being said, my hearts been put out there 3 times in a short period of time. Every time this happens, It’s not my idea. I am always mature about it, I’m grown up after all. I can move on, it will be okay, we can even be friends! This works for a little, but I have this hidden agenda deep inside. It’s tucked away like a transvestites member, tucked all the way back where no one can see it but me.
Inside, I’m sinister, I’m evil, I am looking to make them sorry, regretful and miserable. I work harder than I’ve ever worked before, I go to the gym 2 times a day, I run 5 miles a day. I make them look back at me, and regret their own selfish and rash choices. At this point, I’m in the best shape of my life feeding off my inner fire, my desire to cause pain. Maybe it is the devil that provides this fuel, but with the prices of fuel these days I take it and apply it, the octane is extremely high, that of jet fuel. My diet is top notch, my abs are as defined as Dolph Lundgrens chin. My arms have gained an inch, I’ve dropped 12 lbs off an already nice physic. My bench has went up 90lbs and I even work my legs now.
As far as career goes, I’ve booked up more work this month than I’ve ever done in a month. I’m on target to taking the entire winter off and vacation. Even if these journeys be alone or with a guy pal, I won’t be in the cold winter months of Michigan. I’ll venture south, maybe even as far as Australia.
With that being said, I would like to thank these lovely ladies for your truly appreciated motivation. I hope that you can find happiness when your boyfriend gets out of jail, hopefully his medication works as well. Maybe he won’t go back to his wife, or has he already? Or maybe you just don’t need a good man to be there for support, maybe you can show the world you can do it without him! It’s all been done, they all beg for me to come back. Sorry girls, this is not base ball, it’s not the bozo game unless you are the bozo. I give you a try, be thankful for the attention I gave you, I won’t even charge for the advice I’ve given, or the guidance I offered. The shoulder to cry on was free, the good gestures extended when you needed someone, or something…consider that a gift.
To top off these nice deeds I’ve done, I’ll even forgive one of you for trashing my house and attacking me with a nicely scented vanilla candle and 12” bread knife.
So to conclude, I’ll recommend anyone looking to find motivation. Treat girls nice, let them break your heart, let them move on to a degrading red neck. If you are not medicated, if you are thoughtful and considerate man, you’ll have no problem moving though a few.
Good Luck on your journeys men, and may you find your own inner fire! (Back to working abs)