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Thread: First Timer

  1. #1

    First Timer

    Let me start off by saying forgive me if the information I am looking for is already out in the forums, I have generated many searches and found some pretty good info but I want to post my personal situation for comments, thanks in advance.

    I am 31 years old 6'2" and I fluctuate between 230 and 235, I am down from 280. I have been as much as 300 when I was 18 and as little as 185 at 21. I am tired of losing weight and gaining it back, I am working on a complete body transformation hoping to lose my gut, gain some good size and be comfortable with my shirt off the next time I go to a beach. I am unsure of my BF right now but it is definitely not good.

    I started my first cycle a week ago:

    2 IU's ed of HGH
    2 cc's 250ml Omnadren twice a week
    25 mg Dbol ed
    weening off of T3 that I have been taking for the last couple months to lose weight

    I am going to ramp the HGH up to 3 iu's ed at the start of my 5th week and then I will increase as needed. I am thinking about increasing the Dbol to 50mg at the start of week 3 and finishing up after 4 weeks. I want to transition from the Dbol to winny and/or anavar after I am done with the Dbol, good idea?? I also have some Deca and EQ I can work in. I have 600 iu's of growth and plan on staying on it and maybe even getting more and continuing it for 9-12 months. Any thoughts? ideas? suggestions? I know my omnadren dosage is low but some friends wth experience told me to keep them that way since I never supplemented test before. I also have some sust I plan on using down the road.

    My workouts are intense, 5 days a week with about an hour in the weight room and 30 minutes on the elliptical except on leg day.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    bro your trying to use too much aas for your first time. the key is really focusing on your diet. you really do not need to cycle with you bf% being so high. aas can cause havic on your colesterol levels and you blood pressure. but seeing that no matter what i say you will prolly do your cycle anyways. you really need to just stick with the omnadren. no need to add all the other ones in on your first go around. and no that isnt a low dose of test. 500mgs / week is a very common dose among even veterian aas users. you need to drop the dbol. in my opinion dbol is not an aas that you want to use for your goals. just run the omnadren for 10-12 weeks followed by a good pct. and for the record sust and omnadren are basically the same thing. what does your diet look like??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by AntDiggity View Post
    I am working on a complete body transformation hoping to lose my gut, gain some good size and be comfortable with my shirt off the next time I go to a beach.
    Diet... diet... diet....

    You don't need steroids to lose a gut...

  4. #4
    Thanks for the feedback and I hear where you are coming from, I will definitely take it in to consideration and I will cut back the Dbol. My diet is pretty good, a typical day is:

    First meal - AST nytro pro 40 Meal replacement and sometimes add 1 packet of oatmeal
    Second meal - 1-1.5 chicken breast with 8 oz -12 oz. broccoli and 1 slice of wheat bread
    Third meal - 40 gram protein shake AST or Oryx
    Fourth meal - 1-1.5 chicken breast with 8 oz-12 oz. broccoli and 1 slice of wheat bread
    Fifth meal - 40 gram protein shake AST or Oryx
    Sixth meal (post workout) - 1 chicken breast and 1 40 gram protein shake AST or Oryx

    Sometimes I will subsitute turkey, tuna or white fish for the chicken and other green vegetables for the broccoli. I do season the meat with low sodium seasing and use a tablespoon or 2 of olive oil and some red pepper with the broccoli.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by AntDiggity View Post
    Thanks for the feedback and I hear where you are coming from, I will definitely take it in to consideration and I will cut back the Dbol. My diet is pretty good, a typical day is:

    First meal - AST nytro pro 40 Meal replacement and sometimes add 1 packet of oatmeal
    Second meal - 1-1.5 chicken breast with 8 oz -12 oz. broccoli and 1 slice of wheat bread
    Third meal - 40 gram protein shake AST or Oryx
    Fourth meal - 1-1.5 chicken breast with 8 oz-12 oz. broccoli and 1 slice of wheat bread
    Fifth meal - 40 gram protein shake AST or Oryx
    Sixth meal (post workout) - 1 chicken breast and 1 40 gram protein shake AST or Oryx

    Sometimes I will subsitute turkey, tuna or white fish for the chicken and other green vegetables for the broccoli. I do season the meat with low sodium seasing and use a tablespoon or 2 of olive oil and some red pepper with the broccoli.
    Total up your protein/fat/carbs for each meal... I can tell you thats too many shakes. Real food is a better protein source.

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