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Thread: 1st timer need some help with equi/test stack

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Question 1st timer need some help with equi/test stack

    ive been training for about 2 years now. i used to weigh 160-165 lbs and I now weigh 200. my maxes are 305 bench 425 dead and 405 squat(came off knee surgery 6 months ago,can't go up too fast). Ive never juiced before and Im about to do test/equipoise. ive got 10cc of american test 200 and am waiting on 50cc of equipoise. ive been told this will be a good stack for my first time? do you guys agree? also, ive heard alot of different doses to take. my boy im getting it from says 2 shots of 2cc poise a week and 2 shots of 1cc test a week (both monday/thursday). one of my other friends says to pyramid both starting wth 1/2 cc then moving up to 3/4 cc then to 1cc and back down, i dont know all th details but its something like that. i would appreciate yalls help with the dosing, especially anyone whos done this stack. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    do you know what mg the equipose is? I assume its 50mg per ml since i think that's all it comes in.
    Don't pyramid. You will get better gains if you keep your blood levels constant.
    A good dose for test is 400-500mg a week, same for eq. You will also need some clomid for post-cycle, and some nolvadex to deal with gyno(if you get it)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    id like to get some clomid or clenbuteral for when i come off. i have a hook up on clenbuteral 100 pills $100. is clomid legal? which is better? if I cant get it will ephedrine work worth a shit?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    also if the equipoise is only 50 mg a ml how would i go abot dosing it? take 4cc shot twice a week? or 2cc shot four times a week, every other day?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Albany, NY
    Mike you will need clomid to come off, clen is no substitute for clomid. Take a look in the educational section and learn a bit about it and get the dosages. You may also want some nolva in case of gyno like bellicose suggested, better safe then sorry. I'm currently on a similar cycle 400mg of test enthan/ 400mg of eq a week for 12 weeks. Check on the eq you have, mine is 200mg/ml although it sounds like 50mg/ml based on what your saying. If it is I would do a 2cc shot of it ever other day rather than a 4cc shot, just make sure you rotate the injection sites.

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