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Thread: Undecided on what to add for last 4 weeks of Test E cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Undecided on what to add for last 4 weeks of Test E cycle

    Test E 500mg/wk, and looking mainly for strength purposes here.

    I was pushing towards one of the following:

    Parabolan - 150mg Every 3rd day

    Halo - 30mg/day

    Anavar - Not sure what dosages to run yet.

    Thoughts? I have 29 vials of winny to hand, but really want to stay away - Avoid hairloss at all costs. Unless the strength gains would be worth the gamble.
    Last edited by Maverick_J8; 05-11-2008 at 11:43 AM.

  2. #2
    you are going to start to taper off starting soon so finish this cycle-add an anti aroma for gyno-and some HCG or clomid for post cycle-on your next cycle add 50mg eod of that winn to that 500mg test and you will freak at how strong the winn makes you-if you are
    doing a 10-12 week cycle add the winn the last 6weeks-propecia blocks the DHT from getting to your hair and prostate-also the weeks before you
    start the winn you could step up to 750mg test a week but cut back to the 500mg when you add the winn-

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by bombtrack View Post
    you are going to start to taper off starting soon so finish this cycle-add an anti aroma for gyno-and some HCG or clomid for post cycle-on your next cycle add 50mg eod of that winn to that 500mg test and you will freak at how strong the winn makes you-if you are
    doing a 10-12 week cycle add the winn the last 6weeks-propecia blocks the DHT from getting to your hair and prostate-also the weeks before you
    start the winn you could step up to 750mg test a week but cut back to the 500mg when you add the winn-
    I'm only week 2 of current cycle.

    Propecia acts via the alpha-5 lark, which is the path test takes to convert to DHT on the hair (in simple sense). Winny is a DHT derivative. Finasteride is ineffective.

    I could still add the winny I guess, but would be taking that chance.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part
    If its for strength only its gotta be the halo out of that list.

  5. #5

    Cool prpecia

    Quote Originally Posted by Maverick_J8 View Post
    I'm only week 2 of current cycle.

    Propecia acts via the alpha-5 lark, which is the path test takes to convert to DHT on the hair (in simple sense). Winny is a DHT derivative. Finasteride is ineffective.

    I could still add the winny I guess, but would be taking that chance.
    propecia blocks the dht from getting to your hair and prostate weather it is test converting to dht or already a dht!
    I asked a doctor about this and this is what I got from him "propecia blocks dht from scalp and prostate no matter what the source of the dht" straight from the horses mouth!-I think this is the equivalent of an "old wives tail" in the aas world!-simply because I believe the TWO doctors before anything I read on ANY thread-sorry I'm not trying to argue I just have asked MDs about this!-they both had the same answer "it blocks dht no matter where it comes from"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    nothing will add strength better then halo. its liver toxic and you wont gain much if any weight but your strength will go thru thru roof

  7. #7
    o yea your nipples will be tender from the propecia-that makes you always wonder if its gyno starting or not!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    Mainly for strenght purposes.....ummm

    A N A V A R

  9. #9
    -just looked at propecia on the net and it also states it lowers dht levels-I hanv'nt asked about this but I would think it would make dht ass less effective-
    Last edited by bombtrack; 05-12-2008 at 09:52 AM. Reason: wrong product

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I ran var at 80 ed wit my test e s h i t was da bomb

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ACpower View Post
    I ran var at 80 ed wit my test e s h i t was da bomb
    Jesus! That must of cost a fortune.

    Would Tren A for the last 5 weeks, 100mg EOD, be effective ? Considering its fast-acting.
    Last edited by Maverick_J8; 05-13-2008 at 03:43 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Please disregard the last post. As you can see, I can't quite make my mind up on this one. This wasn't the idea to start with. It was planned as solely a Test E 500mg/wk cycle. I'm at exactly the 2 week mark now and do have some time to make some changes to the last final weeks. So why not.

    I have 29 vials of Winny Depot sitting here, and would be a bloody waste not to use. The only reason i haven't is due to possible shedding. But if it gets too bad I'll simply stop the winny. I have enough to run from now until the end at 150mg/wk, alongside the 500mg/wk of Test... or I could wait until week 5 and throw in then.

    Forgive me for the lack of decisiveness. Please give me your thoughts. Throw in now?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

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