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Thread: Alittle Advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Question Alittle Advice for MMA

    Im in need of some solid gains and fat cut within three months.. I have a MMA fight coming in sept and need to gain a few then shred down to 185lbs, i weigh 192 now and hopefully this cycle i have will put me where i want..

    Finabolan (tren 75) 125mg ED

    Winn 50 50mg 2X daily

    Dbol 25mg Daily

    Test Prop 100mg EOD

    again im 192lbs, i want to get up to at least 200lbs then shred down the fat to 185 so i can fight..

    any Suggestions or Idea or am I doing this the correct way
    Last edited by KRAZYPITBULL; 05-21-2008 at 09:39 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    O H-I O
    i would say just go with the test prop since most of those compounds have pretty good muscle building quality and you could end up gain 30 pounds haha I would try a light cycle to try and hit 200lbs... dont want to heavy with muscle and not be able to make weight

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    O H-I O
    oh yea and give full stats age? height? weight? years training? cycle exp?.... And do you get tested for these fights?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    College Station
    just go with the Test-prop and tren. tren is awesome for cutting and bulking, its all diet dependent. i dont see a reason you'll need the winny and dbol. the winny will prolly hurt your joints during cardio and Dbol screams "im juicing". i guess you could use it as a jump start. just my opinion so......

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by duggadoo View Post
    oh yea and give full stats age? height? weight? years training? cycle exp?.... And do you get tested for these fights?
    im 28 5'10 192lbs 3 years , this will be my 2nd cycle and im not sure if we get tested, it is a amateur fight so im not too sure..
    I was thinking to frontload the dbol , take the test prop and the tren 75 just for solid gains and agression , maybe even the halo few weeks before

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    why are you wanting to use to orals and two that are the complete opposite of each other whats the reasoning and the tren takes a while to get out of your system if your going to get blood tested too may want ot take tha tinto consideration if your drug tested tren will will your endurance by the way

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by KRAZYPITBULL View Post
    Im in need of some solid gains and fat cut within three months.. I have a MMA fight coming in sept and need to gain a few then shred down to 185lbs, i weigh 192 now and hopefully this cycle i have will put me where i want..

    Finabolan (tren 75) 125mg ED

    Winn 50 50mg 2X daily

    Dbol 25mg Daily

    Test Prop 100mg EOD

    again im 192lbs, i want to get up to at least 200lbs then shred down the fat to 185 so i can fight..

    any Suggestions or Idea or am I doing this the correct way
    these are all prohormones.............................except the test prop..............

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Tell him, he can get a great deal at

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    i need my endurance , so ive dropped tren but dbol and prop im still going to use, winny im iffy on, im hearing to much of both sides that its awesome for the dry look but shit for my joints and ill get injured easier...
    maybe just stick with dbol and test ? this kills my lean muscle added that i need though..maybe ill have to jump up in weight class

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    again, you do know everything you are speaking of here is fake steroids correct?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    larger image Tren 75 *
    Tren 75 can typically add 5-10 lbs of high quality muscle to users, but much more strength than a mere 5-10 lbs typically produces. All of the muscle gained with Tren is solid and not water or fat - this is why it's a very potent agent for any type of cycle.

    Add to Cart:

    Model: Finabolan

    larger image Winn-50 *
    Winn-50 is very popular among bodybuilders on a cutting cycle, as well as athletes who compete in strength/speed sports. It can add several pounds to the user while increasing strength far above previous levels. For a strength/speed athlete or a bodybuilder on a cutting cycle, Winn-50 will allow the user to gain strength and quality muscle increases.

    Add to Cart:

    Model: Vanazolol

    larger image D-anabol 25 *
    D-anabol is most commonly used in bulking and strength cycles. It is very effective at adding weight. This weight is almost always accompanied by huge increases in both strength and an increased ability to recover from intense training. No prescription required

    Add to Cart:

    Model: Metandesenolone

    so these will not affect your endurance as you have stated.

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