Whats a realistic expectation for a first cycle 400-500mg of test per week for 12 weeks? what kind of strength gains would I be looking at? Let say If I am eat 6 meals a day, 400g of protein, 3500cals....
Whats a realistic expectation for a first cycle 400-500mg of test per week for 12 weeks? what kind of strength gains would I be looking at? Let say If I am eat 6 meals a day, 400g of protein, 3500cals....
have you tried eating 6 meals per day now??
training experience..
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Don't Let the Police kick your ass
Yes I am very good with my diet! I eat every 3 hours, tkae in about 250g of protein a day (I would jump to 400g on sauce), I eat about 3000-3500 cals a day right now and I eat very clean!
My goals:
bench now: 225lbs x 8 (affter cycle 285lbs x 8)
deadlift now: 315lbs x 10 (affter cycle 405lbs x 10)
Squate now: I pintched a nerv so I have not worked legs in a month....I will prob want to be squating around 315lbs If I can.
well for test only cycle at 500mgs for your first cycle the strength gains your looking for a little out of reach youd need to add extra steroid(s) to reach near them goals but im not recommending you do that, i good 500mgs test cycle will do a lot for you though
lets put it this way..
especially if this is your 1st cycle.. it's very easy to injure yourself by pushing more weight than your ligaments and tendons can support..
thus you get injured.. so rest rest rest, and be aware of the possibility of over training..
The answer to your every question
A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
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Don't Let the Police kick your ass
i would say that if your diet, training, sleep etc. everything is SPOT ON (keep in mind that you may REALLY believe and think it is and it isn't) you could get your bench from 225 x 8 to 265 x 8 no problem.. I did on my first cycle of 500 sustanon a week for 12 weeks.
deadlift i don't think it's that far out there to think you could add a plate on each side.. definitely at least 50 lbs..
you have to be really motivated/dedicated and not half ass ANYTHING
Last edited by gooer; 05-22-2008 at 10:11 PM.
double your cals man its easy to get used to
shit dude i thought he wrote 3,000 so now it would be 6 ...**** thats why i failed math last semester .well even 4,500-5,000 would be better for him then
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