i'm mid way through a 12 wk cycle of Test E of 250mg per week. i'm 45 and train 5-6 days per week and have been for several years on-and-off. i'm feeling some nipple sensitivity and plan on taking Nolva during my cycle and as PCT. i don't feel that the Test has made that much of a difference (i've been craving alot of carbs, have gained weight, have decrecreased sex drive and my mood is lower). i'd like to go off Test and try an Anavar only cycle. i'm a serious recreational middle-aged "bodybuilder" who wants to continue to build and refine my physique, but mostly, i'm trying to lose some bodyfat.
what would you recommend as an Anavar cycle for my situation: what dose, for how long and what PCT usage. Note: i do have some mild male pattern baldness that i'd like to keep at bay for as long as possible. will a dose of Anavar of between 50 - 100mcg per day affect this. i've read that the sides are minimal and that it is very good for some strength increase and fat loss.