while taking tren and the prolactin goes high i heard one must use bromocriptine or dostinex along with letrozole what is there dosage so i aslo don.t lower my gains?
while taking tren and the prolactin goes high i heard one must use bromocriptine or dostinex along with letrozole what is there dosage so i aslo don.t lower my gains?
I don't take anything with tren unless symptoms call for it, and supplementing with ginko biloba can aid in keeping prolactin in check.
if symptoms appear what is dotinex dosages?
if you keep estergen under control you should be ok where prolactin is concerned as high estergen tends to magnify prolactin levels when running tren , you could stack vit b6 at 400mg a day wit 10mg nolva and see how dat works
You can take caber e3d at .5mgs
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