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Thread: 17yo recovery from surgery

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dallas, Texas

    Exclamation 17yo recovery from surgery

    hi everyone. Im seventeen years old and love competing in powerlifting but this past January i was admitted into the hospital. i had a sever blood clot in my left arm that went from my elbow to my heart. i had 96% blockage, just a few days away from losing my arm completely. i was in the cleveland clinic for 19 days (6 in intensive care) and had a total of 8 surgeries, the last one being the worst. i had to have my top rib taken out to prevent this from happening again. when they did this, they cut through my left pec entirely. i was a world champ in the WABDL with a dead of 440lbs and a bench of 290lbs at 148lbs. i just got cleared to start lifting again and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to doing some rehab work for my chest. what exercises would you all suggest?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Bay Area Maryland
    I wrote a post under going for the record which i copied for you. Focus on Phase 1 getting your GPP together coming back from any cardio problems this phase is by far the most important. In your case I would extent it 12 Weeks the concer for you is to build your VO2 max. You can be strong as all get out but with a week cardio for the lay off + cardio heart problems you cannot afford afford not to build super strong Cardio System if you dont it can be devistating for you . lot of cardio with resistance to get the muscle in shape but the focus once again is to build cardiovasular system mixture of short duration high intensity Such as Sprints/Prowler/Plyometrics with low intensity long duration such as running/hiking/crosstrainning.

    What I would do Set Two or Three Phases. A Comp Phase when you are running your numbers to get ready for the meet 8/10 Weeks out what ever it may be.
    The One before should be for building mass and stregth in weak/Under developed areas and use excersise different from Comp Phase being Bench squat and deads you should use excesises such as rack pulls/Low Box Squats for reps(strength not speed)/Hyperextension Reverse Bench/Dumbell/Close Grip Front Squats/Step Ups Lunges.6/8 Weeks.
    The First of the Three is Conditioning. This is to raises G.P.P. Running/Prowler/Sprints/Slead Work/Circuit Training. This on is the most important this is when you take care of injuries improve Vo2 Max get in better condition log it keep track. Also it important because the better conditioned the better your body will respond to training the more results meaning more weight.6 Weeks is Fine

    U can cut the second out if you have nothing lacking but dont cut it out if you had or are nursing a injury/joint problems whatever rushing it will cut your carrer short Rome wasnot built in a day nore are 800lb bench squats and deads Pros only compete 2/3 times a year at the most because they spent the rest of their time getting stronger

    For You dont cut out phase two it will be very important in getting your strength back Anymore questions just ask it was great to be able to help you out

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