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Thread: My First REAL cycle....

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    My First REAL cycle....

    Well ive done a few PH's back in the day of no discipline but ive had my training and diet pretty consistent for awhile. Great gains made in 2 years. Went from 122 just outta rehab to current 183-185. 5,8" at id guess around 15% BF.

    Heres what i got-

    30x 50mg Dbol oral.

    2x Test250(sust blend) 250mg/ml
    1x Test Enanthate 350mg/ml

    Id like to pack this into a 10 week cycle. Im very bad at math though and not completely certain of half lives.

    Sust should be shot EOD so ill have enouph to shoot .5ml EOD for 40 days. Then the T350 needs to be shot atleast twice a week.

    I dont expect spoon feeding im just curious what my injecting times/Volumes should be with my given dosages per ML and half lives.

  2. #2
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    Also, i got 35 Tabs of 10mg superdrols to harden me up towards the end and Am not starting Until i get my Ancillarys and all that fun stuff. Gonna get the A. dex/ Nolva/ Clomid combo from AR.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    When you say 2x Test250 do you mean 2 10ml bottles?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    If this is your first cycle I would recommend sticking with one kind of test to see how your body responds to it. The dbol is a good kickstart but I would wait on it as you're new to AAS.

  5. #5
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    Well this is all i got right now. Im with you on sticking to on ester of test but in the end TEST is TEST. Im not gonna order online because it just doesnt seem safe right now so this is what i got. im very familiar with methylated orals so the dbol shouldnt be problem as well but thanks for the input bro. is that you in your avy? sick weight

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jfew44 View Post
    When you say 2x Test250 do you mean 2 10ml bottles?
    He means 2x a week.... my guess.

    Dirt... why are you running sust and enanth? Are you just grabbing what you have around? Id think about running one or the other, preferably sust (I personally hate long ester anythings).

    I mean, they are both going to convert as test... but sust is popular because it evenly breaks down with all available esters (prop, enanth, etc). You will still see gains, but if you are starting from a clean slate, you might as well get one or the other so you don't have an out of whack hormonal balance with multiple half-lives outweighing the others. Just makes things more confusing than they need to be. I'd understand if you were front-loading with a short ester test like prop... but running with sust side-by-side... I just don't see it.

    But if that's what you have then that's what you have... I don't completely disagree with it. Dosing schedules that you have planned out look good.

    My 2 cents.

  7. #7
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    Just saw your update. If that's just what you have then roll with it. No issues.

  8. #8
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    My idea is to start with the enanthate 2x a week for the first 5 weeks, then start the sust at .5ml EOD for the next 5 weeks after that. Dbol @ 50mgs ED for the first 4 weeks... no?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtball_619 View Post
    Well this is all i got right now. Im with you on sticking to on ester of test but in the end TEST is TEST. Im not gonna order online because it just doesnt seem safe right now so this is what i got. im very familiar with methylated orals so the dbol shouldnt be problem as well but thanks for the input bro. is that you in your avy? sick weight
    So your gonna run a sh!tty cycle because you don't want to order the right stuff ? Thats just pathetic.

    If its a first cycle run test e only. You don't know how your body is going to react to either dbol or teste so why would you take them together ? Doesn't make sense.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtball_619 View Post
    My idea is to start with the enanthate 2x a week for the first 5 weeks, then start the sust at .5ml EOD for the next 5 weeks after that. Dbol @ 50mgs ED for the first 4 weeks... no?
    lol... no no. Frontloading test with an enanth ester isn't smart. You want to frontload with a very short ester (prop), not a very long ester (enanth). Pretty much defeats the whole purpose. You want the test to be in your system and break down fast for kickstarting a cycle.

    I kinda see what you are trying to get at though with the thinking that maybe the enanth will be kicked in fully around week 5 when you start your sust.... but you are still going to have to wait for the sust to kick in. It's just a mess.

    I am trying to think of a sample cycle, but sust breaks down at such different half-lifes that it's pretty damn hard to think one through when you are trying to match it up with enanth. If you run them side by side, then you are going to have your test unbalanced no matter what because of the enanth in the sust.

    If you do anything, start with the sust. EOD isn't really necessary, but looks good.

    wks 1-10: sust 500mg/wk
    wks 1-10: enanth 350mg/wk
    wks 1-4: dbol 50mg/day

    You could extend the sust, but the long ester tests half-life in the sust will mess with your PCT times (since you are ending enanth at wk 10). Just kinda have to deal and realize that you won't have maximum test at the end of the cycle.

  11. #11
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    How would it be a shitty cycle DSM? If the injections are timed correctly, stable blood levels can be made Im sure. I havent injected or swallowed any pills yet man so its all still up in the air. test is test am i wrong? stable blood levels can be had with these esters over a 10-12 week period of time?

    I may just run the dbol once i can tell the test has kicked in/ is real. Or save it for another cycle. thanks for the feedback though dsm, jfew, whoisdaman

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    So your gonna run a sh!tty cycle because you don't want to order the right stuff ? Thats just pathetic.

    If its a first cycle run test e only. You don't know how your body is going to react to either dbol or teste so why would you take them together ? Doesn't make sense.
    Yeah, if it's really a first cycle (which I did not know) then go with my first criticism.... run one test. Probably better off then dealing with the inevitable hormone rollercoaster (which will happen any way you run the 2 because of the sust).

  13. #13
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    You don't know how your body responds to ANY compounds. So lets say you ran test e by itself and got awesome results with limited sides then you just found yourself a compound that your body responds really well to. Now lets say you ran dbol and teste together : Say the results sucked. Now you don't know what compound caused the poor results.

    This is why you take it baby steps at a time.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    You don't know how your body responds to ANY compounds. So lets say you ran test e by itself and got awesome results with limited sides then you just found yourself a compound that your body responds really well to. Now lets say you ran dbol and teste together : Say the results sucked. Now you don't know what compound caused the poor results.

    This is why you take it baby steps at a time.
    COMPLETELY AGREE. For whatever reason, I can't gain anything at all from any manufactured Test Enanth. Any... I could run human grade for 16 weeks with minimal results. Same with Deca and EQ, I just get the hunger.

    I run test prop... huge gains. I run tren... huge gains. Confuses the hell out of me.

    Even a same compound with only a different half-life, but the smallest thing makes the biggest difference.

    Better safe than sorry.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Whoisdaman View Post
    He means 2x a week.... my guess.

    Dirt... why are you running sust and enanth? Are you just grabbing what you have around? Id think about running one or the other, preferably sust (I personally hate long ester anythings).

    I mean, they are both going to convert as test... but sust is popular because it evenly breaks down with all available esters (prop, enanth, etc). You will still see gains, but if you are starting from a clean slate, you might as well get one or the other so you don't have an out of whack hormonal balance with multiple half-lives outweighing the others. Just makes things more confusing than they need to be. I'd understand if you were front-loading with a short ester test like prop... but running with sust side-by-side... I just don't see it.

    But if that's what you have then that's what you have... I don't completely disagree with it. Dosing schedules that you have planned out look good.

    My 2 cents.
    yeah for old people that take 1cc per week
    but for any bodybuilder with an education on esters its the worst possible option compared to a single ester

    and by the way the decanoate in the blend is even longer than that enanthate you hate

    but in conclusion you are saying four esters in a cycle is smart but to add a fifth is bad?

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Whoisdaman View Post
    lol... no no. Frontloading test with an enanth ester isn't smart. You want to frontload with a very short ester (prop), not a very long ester (enanth). Pretty much defeats the whole purpose. You want the test to be in your system and break down fast for kickstarting a cycle.
    he didnt say this was a front load he is just changing esters. why do you think he called this a frontload?
    Quote Originally Posted by Whoisdaman View Post

    I kinda see what you are trying to get at though with the thinking that maybe the enanth will be kicked in fully around week 5 when you start your sust.... but you are still going to have to wait for the sust to kick in. It's just a mess.
    this is misleading
    this wouldnt be much different than a 10 week sust only cycle

    Quote Originally Posted by Whoisdaman View Post
    If you do anything, start with the sust. EOD isn't really necessary, but looks good.
    this is terrible advice. eod is the bare minimum. do you understand propionate and phenylpropionate?
    Quote Originally Posted by Whoisdaman View Post
    wks 1-10: sust 500mg/wk
    wks 1-10: enanth 350mg/wk
    wks 1-4: dbol 50mg/day
    a first cycle of 850mg of test a week, PLUS dbol?
    Quote Originally Posted by Whoisdaman View Post

    You could extend the sust, but the long ester tests half-life in the sust will mess with your PCT times (since you are ending enanth at wk 10). Just kinda have to deal and realize that you won't have maximum test at the end of the cycle.
    enan has a 14 day half life
    deca has an 18 day half life. not too far off.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    yeah for old people that take 1cc per week
    but for any bodybuilder with an education on esters its the worst possible option compared to a single ester

    and by the way the decanoate in the blend is even longer than that enanthate you hate

    but in conclusion you are saying four esters in a cycle is smart but to add a fifth is bad?
    Nice, I haven't gotten into a heated AAS debate in years.

    Let's see... First of all, my first suggestion was a single ester. I stated that if the guy didn't have enough (like 4-5 weeks sust, same with enth) and he was going to run it anyways, then might as well do it smart. Never did I condone running both simultaneously unless he was made aware of the possible sides that came with it. I doubt that the guy will drop dead from having multiple esters of the same compound. Sure, hormones probably won't be level and may see more sides then he should... I really doubt that results will be hindered.

    Second, isn't enanth already playing a role in sust? No kidding decanoate has a longer ester, never did I say that enanth had the longest half-life, only that running both would have a jacked PCT due to the multiple half-life's being run at the same time. Because of this I don't like sust to begin with.

    So what if I haven't had results with enanth... just a f'in opinion. Learn to deal.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    he didnt say this was a front load he is just changing esters. why do you think he called this a frontload?

    this is misleading
    this wouldnt be much different than a 10 week sust only cycle

    this is terrible advice. eod is the bare minimum. do you understand propionate and phenylpropionate?

    a first cycle of 850mg of test a week, PLUS dbol?

    enan has a 14 day half life
    deca has an 18 day half life. not too far off.

    Did you even read what I posted after that? I had no idea that it was his first cycle.

    Yeah, if it's really a first cycle (which I did not know) then go with my first criticism.... run one test. Probably better off then dealing with the inevitable hormone rollercoaster (which will happen any way you run the 2 because of the sust).

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Whoisdaman View Post
    Nice, I haven't gotten into a heated AAS debate in years.

    Let's see... First of all, my first suggestion was a single ester. I stated that if the guy didn't have enough (like 4-5 weeks sust, same with enth) and he was going to run it anyways, then might as well do it smart. Never did I condone running both simultaneously unless he was made aware of the possible sides that came with it. I doubt that the guy will drop dead from having multiple esters of the same compound. Sure, hormones probably won't be level and may see more sides then he should... I really doubt that results will be hindered.

    Second, isn't enanth already playing a role in sust? No kidding decanoate has a longer ester, never did I say that enanth had the longest half-life, only that running both would have a jacked PCT due to the multiple half-life's being run at the same time. Because of this I don't like sust to begin with.

    So what if I haven't had results with enanth... just a f'in opinion. Learn to deal.
    i was just saying you made it seem like having a fifth ester would be crazy but the four from sust would be fine

    results being hindered is not the issue, its the sides

    if you meant to suggest a single ester then i was confused, i just didnt understand how a fifth is worse than just 4

    enan plays a role in sust? sust is prop, pprop, iso, and deca

    with sust OR enan pct start time is 2 weeks after final injection how would that jack anything up?

    sorry to hear you didnt like enan, hope you have better luck with other compounds bro

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Whoisdaman View Post
    Did you even read what I posted after that? I had no idea that it was his first cycle.
    my bad

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