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Thread: Trying something new.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Trying something new.

    I have been using 300 mg of deca and 200 mg of Test prop a week for cutting. It been good, I know u should take Test prop EOD but I take it again twice a week. So far it been working very well, all I want is to keep or even grow some muscle and cut the fat, now this cycle I have been on is going to come to an end.
    The question is for the next cycle which will be in Nov, what do u think of this? Deca 275 a week, Test Prop 200 a week, Masteron 200 a week, and add in CLen and T3.
    This is a cutting cycle, but do u think the deca should be there or not?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Middle of a Cornfield
    Cycle experience?
    Age Ect?

    So you're saying 100mg of prop 2x a week??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    stats 32 year old 153 lbs, 5'4 been working out for over 10 years I guess, took a year off and got out of shape.
    The cycle I'm on right now is my second cycle is 1 and half years. My body really work well with the stuff. First cycle was 300 deca and 400 test E a week. I got really big due to that and eating what needed to grow.
    But I not into bulking up, I want to stay at 160 max, all I want is hard muscle and low BF. Any yes 100mg of test prop twice a week and it been great, no sides at all.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    You can use deca in cutting cycles. I love the nice lubed joint feeling from deca, so doing cardio would be a breeze with some deca included.

    Maybe you should try a different test ester if only injecting twice weekly. With the rollercoaster effect of your test levels climbing and dropping so drastically, you may have a harder recovery during PCT.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    yeah something like cyp or enan would be better if you only want to do 2x week

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Thanks, ya I was thinking that deca really lubed the joint and it make pushing weight easy. Deca is pretty much good with everything. LOL
    As for another Ester, you mean like Test E but at 100mg a shot? It take forever for that stuff to come on. To be honest I really like how Test Prop works on me, it has no water gains, I have no moon face, and remember I do not really want to bulk up. Also at this stage in my cycle I would have acne on the chest and back, which I do not have at all now. I was thinking for the next cycle I would add the Mastron after 4 week in, with the T3 and Clen, that way the real cutting can begin.
    Remember people I'm only 5'4 and at 154 which I;m right now I think the weight is propersonal to the height. I don;t want to look like a brick house.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    but by only shooting prop twice a week you spike your test levels all the time, and most of the time there would be less test than you think. if you like prop for the no bloat, thats fine, its just better to shoot on a better schedule, like ed or eod

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I see your point and I agree, like EOD but at only 50ml, ya it just all these shot are leaving scartissue. The thing is this, if that was the case, and it could very well be, would I not feel differently on the days the test is low? I have not at all, still feel horny and working out with the same intensity. Maybe and with all due respect here, what u are telling me is because it something u read on how test Prop works. There are no mood swings for me, But I do see your point, but what can I say if it not broken why fix it right?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    yep i'm telling you just what i know, nothing i've tried. that is true, but there could be a lot going on internally that you can't feel. if it works for you, thats fine, i'm just going off of whats suggested

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    and I thank you for that. This is a great web site and everyone is helpful, we all support each other in this lifestyle we choice and knowlage is power. I'm going to slepp, Good night.

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