Alright guys so heres the breakdown
Bf: 13-14
Weight: 230
This would be cycle number two. I have been cutting my callories slowly doing 2500 cals at the moment. Eating very clean, carbs consist of veggies, except morning (oatmeal) and post workout (maltodexrose).
Now i dont really want to go to low with the callories so im not gonna drop anymore. I plan to up cardio a bid more and would like to start this cycle.
Test E @ 500mgs/week 1-12
Tbol @ 40mgs 1-6
Clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off.
I know this is not the most ideal cutting cycle, but im dont wanna deal with dht derivatives, and too early for tren.
Ohh and my first cycle was Test suspension 400mgs/week for 7 weeks.
So any suggestions are greatly appreciated.