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Thread: deca dick

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    deca dick

    Recently started a cycle of 600 test E and 600 deca, but stopped after two weeks because of other problems. During this two week period, libido went way down, and then I read some previous posts here about deca dick...just what I had. Now, am planning on resuming the cycle. Actually, don't care too much about deca dick since my wife isn't too interested in having sex that case, I think I may as well continue on the same dose since I would rather maximize muscle gain. On the other hand, if there's not too much difference in gain between 400 mg and 600 mg of deca, would rather drop the deca dose and keep the dick working. Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Drop down to 400 and see if that helps its still a decent dose imo...The test should be helping combat the deca sides....I personally always run more test then deca anyway.... however there is those that take more deca and just enough test to combat the sides to let the 19-nor do what it do...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    your libido crashed when you stopped? this was more likely due to the fact that you had used enough test/dec to suppress your natural test, that is why PCT is important. How long were you on ? and how long has the break been? What PCT chems do you have?

    And as jackedup stated as long as you use test no deca dick.

  4. #4
    you can get "deca dick" from stimulated pgr even with test
    however letro or caber can improve this


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by facile View Post
    your libido crashed when you stopped? this was more likely due to the fact that you had used enough test/dec to suppress your natural test, that is why PCT is important. How long were you on ? and how long has the break been? What PCT chems do you have?

    And as jackedup stated as long as you use test no deca dick.
    well, that's not true man, yes you can get deca dick even if you are using test, from what? prolactine, in some ppl, prolactine can be a huge issue... you can lower it by using cabergoline or bromocriptine...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    what i read and have been told is that you should always run atleast 100 mg more test than decca!!!so i think it would help if you drop you decca to 400 and still get very good results!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by bahrianite View Post
    what i read and have been told is that you should always run atleast 100 mg more test than decca!!!so i think it would help if you drop you decca to 400 and still get very good results!!!
    that aint true either, the dose you need to run is just enough to supply the lack of endogenous test 'cause by deca, with 250 mg. should be enough.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    New York
    Dosages vary amongst different people. Deca dick is the same - some get it, some don't. And, yes, the Test usually prevents or at least lessens the DD, but everyone has different reactions. You may just be unlucky in that aspect.

    The norm is usually more test than deca, but you have to find what works best for you. Are you doing them on the same day, same shot? You can put them both in the same pin. Maybe if you are doing them on different days, the deca is stronger for a few days. I don't know for sure. Not a scientist, just surmising.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    anywhere my son lives
    yeah, dont go for the old "use more test" philosophy, as some have mentioned it is more than likely a progesterone/prolactin issue and youd benefit from some cabergoline IMO. I alwyas get deca dick/tren dick about 3 weeks into a cycle of either and no matter how much test i take, that fuker hits air and its limp bizcut. The ONLY thing that has ever helped (even when cialis didnt!!) was cabergoline, did the job within 2 weeks

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleSportMag View Post
    Dosages vary amongst different people. Deca dick is the same - some get it, some don't. And, yes, the Test usually prevents or at least lessens the DD, but everyone has different reactions. You may just be unlucky in that aspect.

    The norm is usually more test than deca, but you have to find what works best for you. Are you doing them on the same day, same shot? You can put them both in the same pin. Maybe if you are doing them on different days, the deca is stronger for a few days. I don't know for sure. Not a scientist, just surmising.
    I'm sorry that I'm that insisten, but that norm should not be mention anymore, ppl is using wayyy more test than they should for that norm, IF avoiding deca dick is the reason why you are using test, then the test dosis should be just enough to replace the the lack of endogenous test produced by deca, not more than that.. now... for anabolics matter, go ahed and use what ever dosis you want to use... (anyways, I wont go below 500mg)

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by bahrianite View Post
    what i read and have been told is that you should always run atleast 100 mg more test than decca!!!so i think it would help if you drop you decca to 400 and still get very good results!!!
    please dont give advice based on bad research and no personal experiences.
    we strive for educated responses here, not guesses.
    if you want to contribute, do real research and get real experience first.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by roid_rage View Post
    I'm sorry that I'm that insisten, but that norm should not be mention anymore, ppl is using wayyy more test than they should for that norm, IF avoiding deca dick is the reason why you are using test, then the test dosis should be just enough to replace the the lack of endogenous test produced by deca, not more than that.. now... for anabolics matter, go ahed and use what ever dosis you want to use... (anyways, I wont go below 500mg)
    its very possible to take 3000mg deca, and 200mg test weekly, and as long as your bodyfat, estrogen and progesterone are under control youll be able to smasg 5x a day.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I got it pretty bad on my last test/deca cycle. I tried to fix it with cialis but it still wasn't to its full potential. So you may wanna check out caber or something else too.

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