Much talk about these ones. I live in Thailand and i am right now on 3rd week using Deca from Karachi. After lots of researsh on faramcies i found that older Decas had another amp, and i found one that had darker tone to it.
There are 6 amps in the pic. 1, 2, 3 are the same. thats the one im using, little early to tell but i think gains are alreadu happend but if its real or not i dont know. I have called Organon in Karachi and also the Abbott labaratories, but no one in Pakistan understands english, i just tried to get an email but they kept hanging up LOL.
-nr 4 are the one with more color to it.
-nr 5 looks almost the same in size, just liiiiitle smaller, but whats with the oil? Its half the others.
-nr 6 this amp looks very different, short and thick top. The date is almost completely rubbed off. The color of the oil seem to be the same as with nr 5.
One picture is with enhanced color and i slightly changed the color to the pic to make it more easy to see the differences.
Note that even if the strengt of the color is same on 1, 2, 3 and 5, 6 the color tone is not the same.
What you think?
Can all these be real, maybe they used different looking amps before? And the one with darker oil (nr4) can that be cause its 3 yers older and darkens with time, or did they simple use another brand of iol.
Confusing right!
(all these are 3 in 1 box. BUT the box say 1x. The reason is that they are not legally imported since in Thailand its only ok to sell Thaimade steroids, the box looks completely real and also the inside paper.)