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Thread: Test Suspension shortage?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Test Suspension shortage?

    Hi everyone its been a while since my last post here and figured id jump back into the mix of things with a question about something that puzzles me about what seems to be the best testosterone on the market or the lack of on the market?Seems 90% percent of all suppliers i see online all stay out of stock of test suspension.

    I ran across a couple that carries it by the names of testoject and aquatest.Is there any here that have tried either of those that seemed to work well recently or ever? Seems i also read somewhere before under its profile that odds of getting a product of suspension that wasnt fake are 1 in 20,000 wish i could find where i read that again.

    I would like to try it sometime mostly for a preworkout boost to see if it would majorly improve my workout performance like the profile of claims it does.I know it says it needs to be injected at least once a day to 3 times daily but ive also read some have done it eod.Whats your thoughts and opinions and experiences on how often you think it should leastly be injected?

    I would like to just use it 4 times a week just preworkout but if i have to inject it daily out of necessity i can only see myself shooting it once a day tops by rotating six sites weekly meaning 1 site would be hit twice in each week.I would be rotating the delts,glutes,and quads. But due to past experiences of pain in quads after injections for up to week after, i would really hate to have to include the quads again.Any help would be appreciated!

    Also i was wondering since its been quite awhile since the fbi made their crackdowns on ass in america and since the olympics are over if things seem to be getting better in the world of aas?I remeber reading that chinas suppliers of raw hormone powders had stopped producing and shipping them throughout the world due to more stringent laws in china pre olympic months.Also remember reading since this was happening that people would be receiving more fakes than ever before and it would be more difficult to obtain legit product.Whats your opinions on this?

    I figure that fakes bein sold online will always probaly get worse than better so i plan on future purchases to most likely go to mexico myself to buy them since they are still supposedly legal to buy over the counter there.Is this true?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    at least

    at least once a day if not twice.
    This will keep your blood levels from jumping up and down
    when levels are bouncing around you get more sides!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    4 days

    if a site is not sore or bruised you only have to wait 4 days untill you can hit it again.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    tip of africa
    id pin every 12hours,otherwise use prop

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Mexico is the worse place for fakes. Test is readily available in stock if you look hard enough. Yes there was a little shortage due to the olympics but basically it judt drove prices up rather than a big shortage of stock where theres demand they'll always be supply.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Thxs for help guys but is there anyone with any experiences with testoject and aquatest?

    Seems like i read how the readyjects are packaged and things that they are hard to duplicate and simple to get legit product in border towns am i wrong?

    All help is appreciated!

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