anyone ever heard of anyone doing hgh intra veinious? would this be a waste or would it be more beneficial?? someone posted in one of my other threads that ronnie coleman might have been doing it this way?? any truth behind this?
anyone ever heard of anyone doing hgh intra veinious? would this be a waste or would it be more beneficial?? someone posted in one of my other threads that ronnie coleman might have been doing it this way?? any truth behind this?
Dont even worry about it, not worth giving some ass the wrong idea then we catch shit for it.
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching !
true that
The risk/reward is simply not there. I will see if I can find a thread where it was discussed at length....
HGH works very well when taken sub-q so I don't see why anyone would want to take it any other way.
not hgh but igf would work intravenously
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching !
Here is a thread on ******** realted to this. Studies are referenced that show the impact on growth factors and metabolic factors between different delivery methods. Concequences are discussed as well as the OP embarks on his adventure to increase osteocalcin (via IV) to the max, and induce a more favorable growth spurt. Quite an interesting read....
EDIT: the website is Edited
If we wanted the website posted, we wouldn't have it filtered. Please don't post so as to work around our filters.
EDIT BY OP: Obviously knowledge exchange is not the 1st and foremost concern on this site. Too Bad for people that really want to learn more about the a certain topic discussed. I understand blocking questionable links to sources and such, but this kind of communist control methodology is definitely remeniscent of the dark ages. Unfortunate and understandable why I will not be back to this site....
Last edited by Deep_Fried; 10-05-2008 at 11:25 AM.
igf is found in the blood cells if you needed to find out your gh level the doctor would run a igf blood level test because igf is found in the blood gh is produced by the pituitary gland then converted into igf and released into the blood cells that is how the doctor explained it to me after i asked for my gh level to be checked.
Im the one who told you it can be taken Iv...and rumor had it the R colman took it this way...gonna go out on a limb and say 1. your not nearly as big as R colman and 2. you dont make your living be being known as a freak of nature and 3, you will NEVER walk onto the Olympia stage
with that said,you shouldnt even entertain the thought of giving yourself ANYTHING via IV. at that level they look for any advantage they could possibly get be it true or not and am willing to do anything to get what they want.Im sure if he did take it IV it was in a controlled enviorment with medical professionals close by.
but YES, it can be taken IV...
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