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Thread: Oil and Acne

  1. #1

    Oil and Acne

    Does the amount of oil you're injecting affect how much you break out?

    I've tried doing a search but I can't narrow it down enough to answer this question. The reason I'm asking, is because I've found a good deal on test prop but it's suspended in 2ml for a dose that usually in just 1ml. Thank in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    This isn't even funny anymore. NO of course it doesn't

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    srsly? 2ml of oil compared to all the sht you eat in day? let alone the fact you are injecting into a muscle

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    It's hormones for god sake man, why do teenagers break out,,,,,,, sh1t loads of test.

  5. #5
    I guess I should have gone in further detail as to what my entire cycle consists of.

    2ml test prop @ 230mg per amp EOD
    1ml Tren @ 75mg ED
    1ml EQ @ 200mg EOD
    50 mcg Proviron ED
    250mcg Caborline E3D
    20mcg Nolvladex ED

    That gives me a total of at least 4 ml of oil based EOD and 1ml on the other days. That's about 19ml of oil a week. You telling me this doesn't or won't have an affect? I know I have to switch injections sites all over so I don't get any build up in any one spot.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by MrJuice90 View Post
    I guess I should have gone in further detail as to what my entire cycle consists of.

    2ml test prop @ 230mg per amp EOD
    1ml Tren @ 75mg ED
    1ml EQ @ 200mg EOD
    50 mcg Proviron ED
    250mcg Caborline E3D
    20mcg Nolvladex ED

    That gives me a total of at least 4 ml of oil based EOD and 1ml on the other days. That's about 19ml of oil a week. You telling me this doesn't or won't have an affect? I know I have to switch injections sites all over so I don't get any build up in any one spot.
    I give in................Read the post man, it's hormones, sod all to do with oil, best stop cooking with oil too mate, you'll break out eveywhere.

    No, this is a joke i'm not playing...

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