Now that I've got the hang of this re-sizing pictures thing, here is a picture of my bicep. This one shows a little more size, but if you think I'm scrawny...Please say so. I like all the constructive criticism I can get.
Now that I've got the hang of this re-sizing pictures thing, here is a picture of my bicep. This one shows a little more size, but if you think I'm scrawny...Please say so. I like all the constructive criticism I can get.
how about you worry less about mass and try to get more cut. Don;t lose your feminine shape. Add a bit of mass, get cut, see how you like it. Add a little more if you need it. Cut again. You get the picture.
How about you do the same thing? She didn't ask you what your idea of what a woman should like is. Respect her goals and aspirations if you want that same courtesy. There is NOTHING at all wrong with muscular women.Originally posted by setsthesun
how about you worry less about mass and try to get more cut. far as gaining size the first thing you have to do is re-assess your diet and training. Give us an example of what you eat in the run of an average day. Also, please supply some idea of your training regime.
I agree with Pete. You have good shape, but if you want to pack on some muscle you'll have to take a more critical look at your nutrition and tweak it so that it's working with you, not against you. Post us an example of what you eat and we'll critique for you here.
Okay, here's what I eat:
(of course it does vary from day to day)
Morning: bowl of high fiber/low sugar cereal and coffee (no lactose)
if I workout first thing in the morning, then breakfast comes after and it is 3 egg whites (one yolk) and veggies scrambled
Early afternoon: meal replacement bar
Late afternoon: sandwhich on pita (usually veggies and beans or tuna)
night: fish (mahi mahi, or ahi, or salmon) with lemon on it and some cooked veggies or a salad
if I'm hungry througout the day, I'll eat salmon jerky or edamame (whole cooked soybeans)
I know, not enough calories to add muscle....OR IS IT?
I really don't know at this point. I feel like I eat a lot.....
I am limited to getting protein from fish (I don't eat other meats) and I am allergic to dairy and don't eat any processed soy products (which happens to be in every high protein bar and powder).
Do carbs make up too much of my diet...I think that might be the case.
Please pick apart my diet for me. I think this is where I need the most help, because the workout tips I can find in other threads.
Well as far as nitpicking on carbs... i think it really only matter when you want to cut up (only my opinion). I have started taking high GI carbs after my workout only and then throughout the day all i eat are low GI carbs... are you familiar with glycemic index at all?
I think so: high GI carbs are sugars that are quickly digested into the bloodstream, like fruit (simple sugars)- good for recovery...right? And low GI carbs are ones that are slowly digested (complex carbs?) like bread and rice. I always get those backwards.
Am I close?
Nice bicep !
What are your stats and how long have you been training for.
Just playing with your carb might not do the trick. Before even touching your carbs try to consume 1g of protein pr lb of bodyweight. If you don't know how to add your protein up or some of your food sources don't have labels , there is some great sites on the net pm me if you need URL's. The next thing is to consume plenty of water with high protein consumption. Once you are used to eating this amount of protein and amount of food start playing with your carbs . First try 2g of carbs per lb of bodyweight and then move it up to 3g. Constantly check your self in the mirror to see if your'e not gaining to much fat . If you are ,simply reduce your carbs. The only way to find out how much of what you need to build muscle is through trial and error because every body's metabolism is different. Another thing that works for me is to drink a high glycemic sports drink with 2,5g of creatine and 5g glutamine 20mins before and after each workout and then 30 - 40 mins after that a whey protein shake.
Hope this is not too much and hope it helps
I wanna see the rest...
Thanks guys for the input!
My stats:
5'3" 128lbs.
18% body fat
I've been lifting weights for about 6 years (not including for sports in high school). I used to only lift to look toned and so I wouldn't lose muscle because I was a "cardio princess" --but I've got more serious about it in the past couple years and have only started to lift weights to get bigger about 3 months ago (when I found AR). So far so good.
I gain muscle easily (genetics), mostly in my legs-- so I thought I might as well work with what I've got and try to get solid.
I have to take a full body picture, but I posted a lower body pic in a different thread (I'll attach it to this one too).
I appreciate the compliments...very sweet.
A picture of the full body would work better, I think your arms could use more size, your legs on the other hand look good, you just need to cut them up a bit. Women with a little muscle look good, don't be worried about getting "To Big" when was the last time you know of that happening by accident to anyone?
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