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Thread: high bodyfat risks of Test E

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    high bodyfat risks of Test E

    I've tried searching for info on this but have struggled to get exact stuff - not sure if i am using the search funtion wrong but was trying a boolean search and it wasn't yielding results!!

    What i wanted to know was with a bf hovering around 20% what are the increased dangers/side effects of running a 12 week 500ml test e cycle???

    i know that the "sensible" answer is to drop the bf down to 12% before starting a cycle but a list of side effects and how increased they would be with higer bf would be very much appreciated.

    From what i understand the AAS will have fat burning effects so as the bf drops during the cycle do the risks associated with high BF % become less.

    Also with this cycle i have seen people advising Dbol to kick start but understand that bloats and have seen people using tren on a cutting diet but being a first cycle i would rather run test e alone but would it be alot better to run 4 weeks of tren to kickstart to get the most out of the first cycle?

    By the way i am currently on a cutting diet with hydroxycut hardcore and increased HIIT so hope to have dropped to less than 15% before i start anyway just wanted to the info to increase my AAS knowledge

  2. #2
    my first cycle I started around 15-16% and didn't see any negative results

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    There is simply a higher chance of side effects like gyno with hgiher bf.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    its not just gyno you have to worry about. fat cells contain estrogen. the more fat cells the more estrogen. the more estrogen the higher the chances of estrogenic sides. Which include water retention, the gyno we spoke of, and acne.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    I get it. The theory is that if you have high B/F and test can reduce some B/F, you maintain muscle mass with the test, drop carbs and take advantage of the B/F cutting properties of the AAS. DO you know your blood sugar can drop if you do that and give yourself a hypo. Also, it may not increase your IGF. You always have to have adequate carbs when doing AAS if you want to gain muscle.

    High Anabolic rate - little or no carbs = potential Hypo.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    cheers guys,

    So does anyone know the actual figures of how much the likely hoof estrogen related side effects increase with bf over 18%?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Rugbyboy8 View Post
    cheers guys,

    So does anyone know the actual figures of how much the likely hoof estrogen related side effects increase with bf over 18%?
    it's not really a likelyhood, as stated earlier, the higher your bodyfat generally the higher your estrogen levels will be. my advice to you would be to go ahead and run your 500mg/week test-e only cycle. make sure you use an adequate aromatase inhibitor to keep your E levels in check. aromasin at 25mg/day is the best because it's a suicidal inhibitor (meaning it renders the aromatse enzyme it binds to permanently innactive) and it won't screw up your lipid/cholesterol levels as much as some other AI's might. continue to do moderate cardio. and limit your minimal starchy carb intake (pasta, potato etc.) to strictly before your workouts. continue to eat a healthy balanced diet low in saturated fats and you should see the fat come off at a nice rate. don't expect miracles. most importantly make sure your diet is on point, and get regular blood tests to make sure your estradiol levels stay within the normal range. good luck.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Its because testosterone converts to estrogen in fat cells.. and the bigger the fat cells the more is converted - bringin about estrogen related sides. You will be fine if you run an AI on cycle.. but i wouldnt use the dbol with bf that high

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    A lot of fatties think you just take juice and you become ripped. They end up growing tits, getting fatter and jerking off a lot. Most people who have so much trouble getting their bodyfat down aren't very commited to begin with so most people try to tell them not to cycle, and I agree with that. Depends how high the bodyfat is, but within reason the only added risk is more estrogen. I think a cycle can be very useful at reducing bf while maintaing muscle if diet and workouts are on track.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by frank12391 View Post
    I get it. The theory is that if you have high B/F and test can reduce some B/F, you maintain muscle mass with the test, drop carbs and take advantage of the B/F cutting properties of the AAS. DO you know your blood sugar can drop if you do that and give yourself a hypo. Also, it may not increase your IGF. You always have to have adequate carbs when doing AAS if you want to gain muscle.

    High Anabolic rate - little or no carbs = potential Hypo.
    Frank what is this hypo you speak of. I have a buddy that I think has cut his carbs too hard and is suffering from low blood sugar levels...are these related?

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