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Thread: Should I use Proscar?

  1. #1

    Should I use Proscar?

    Hi guys,

    I have previously done a couple of steroid cycles with dianobol at 50mg a day, deca 400mg a week and sus 750mg a week and suffered no ill effects, just some back acne.

    I am ready to do another cycle and just want to do 750mg of sus, I have suffered no hair loss before and there is no problems within my family. I am 26, do I really need to use Proscar or anything? I like to be more safe these days however am weighing up whether I actually need Proscar....I also hear in exceptional cases it can cause some unwanted side effects.

    I am going to use Proviron cos it is cheap and easily available for me...I am gonna use at 50mg a day.

    Comments welcome.

  2. #2
    if u've used test & dbol before with no hair loss, then u should have no reason to use proscar this time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    blue trunks
    No need for it.

  4. #4
    Thanks user and hankdiesel. Everyone else of the same opinion?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    In the gym, getting big.
    Strangely enough for me, my family is pretty prone to hairloss. My father started balding in college and my grandfather on my mother's side had an extremely receded hairline. My grandfather on my dad's side has some hair loss. Out of the cycles I've done, I've done Test up to 750mg EW, Tren up to 75mg ED and Dbol 50mg ED (and later in the cycle upped the dbol higher) and still no hairloss. I huess the gene may skipped me.

    I wouldn't bother with the proscar if you've made it this far. Btw, does anyone know exactly how fast steroids speed up hairloss on average?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by drummerofgod87 View Post
    Strangely enough for me, my family is pretty prone to hairloss. My father started balding in college and my grandfather on my mother's side had an extremely receded hairline. My grandfather on my dad's side has some hair loss. Out of the cycles I've done, I've done Test up to 750mg EW, Tren up to 75mg ED and Dbol 50mg ED (and later in the cycle upped the dbol higher) and still no hairloss. I huess the gene may skipped me.

    I wouldn't bother with the proscar if you've made it this far. Btw, does anyone know exactly how fast steroids speed up hairloss on average?
    no1 could possably answer this, every1 is different

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