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Thread: Advice for new user

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Advice for new user

    I've never used steriods before, but am considering it. I feel like I've reached a plateau that I can't break using my current diet/supplementation routine. I've read much of the info listed on this website and found it to be very helpful, but I was counting on some of you to help me out more. I'm not big on needles and I'm not looking to make a huge leap in size in a small amount of time, so I'm considering Primobolan tablets. Sounds like it offers enough benefit with little side effect. My question to you is how do you find the stuff? How do you find a place you can trust to get quality steriods and not get ripped off? Do most of you order off the internet or do you get it through someone you know?
    Any advice would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Bro do not use primo tabs, they do very little, injectable primo is a different story. I know most will tell you to suck it up and inject, it is the way to go, but if you don't want to then look into anavar at 40-60 mg's a day. It's expensive but should give to decent gains w/ little to no sides. Any other questions feel free to ask

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Give us more info: how long have you trained, what is your diet like and what is your age.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I've been working out daily for about 3 years now. I push myself hard, but I'm just not seeing the results I expect anymore. I'm 33 years old and I try to watch what I eat. I eat 6 meals a day, 3 of which are Optimum's 100% Whey Protein shakes with skim milk. I try to get in some protein and carbs for breakfast and lunch. I'm trying to limit my carb intake at night because I'd still like to lose some body fat. I'm 6 ft. tall and currently weigh about 197 lbs.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Finding the gear and not getting ripped off is easier said than done.That takes time and trust.

    If you are not looking for an huge increase have you done everything you can naturally?

    You need to read up on some steroid profiles but if injecting is not your scene it limits your options a bit most people seem to use a Deca And Sust cycle for their first but it really does vary greatly on the person and their goals.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I was in a similar situation to you 5 months ago. I was 34 and a lifetime natural looking to put on some keepable muscle with minimal sides. I too wanted to do only one steroid but the guys here helped me along and Mike designed a great cycle for me. I did 400mg week deca + 50mg EOD winny (followed up with clomid) and had great results. I think deca is a good beginers injectable (base drug) and you'll get minimal sides. If you follow up with clomid you should keep all of your gains. You should however consider stacking primo or the anavar tabs kullman mentioned. Some will suggest you may even want to throw in some test. Trust me this may sound hardcore (it did to me) but it truly isn't. Keep researching, ask a lot of questions, get as mauch practical advice as possible, be safe and logical and use your head. Good luck, be safe.

  7. #7
    Mike Guest
    just a note about something pete had said - when I first started 'stacking' multiple steroids seemed really crazy - seemed much safer to just do one - but in reality putting extra hormones into your body is all about balance and stacking is sometimes safer than doing single steroids - like Pete - if he did deca alone he would have nothing to fight his gyno with - but he didnt get gyno with taking winny on top of that cycle - some of this stuff sounds nuts but I believe in safety FAR before gains so if you ever get my advice on a cycle know that i have your best interest in mind


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Let me start by apologizing for asking about sources in my original post. Newbie stupidity. I'll try to keep it check from now on.

    Billy Boy I have tried a lot of different things trying to get the results I'm looking for. Don't guess this would be considered "naturally", but in addition to the diet and workout plan I'm currently taking

    5g of Creatine twice a day, once before workout and once after

    5g of Glutamine 4 times a day, once before workout, once after, 90 minutes after workout and once before bed

    EAS' Methoxy Factor twice a day, once after workout with high protein meal and once before bed with Protein drink

    ISS' Zenotrope twice a day to help shed some more bodyfat

    Don't get me wrong, I have noticed some improvement but for the time and effort I've been putting in over the past few years I expected more. Very discouraging. That's why I'm looking for some help.

    Pete and Mike, thanks for the advice also. I'm going to take some time to look over and digest what you had to say. Mike I'm definitely going to take you up on that offer for advice. In reading a lot of the other posts I can tell you are well respected. I'll probably PM you later if that's OK.

  9. #9
    Mike Guest
    go for it bro - glad to help

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Just Deca? or Deca+Win

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike
    just a note about something pete had said - when I first started 'stacking' multiple steroids seemed really crazy - seemed much safer to just do one - but in reality putting extra hormones into your body is all about balance and stacking is sometimes safer than doing single steroids - like Pete - if he did deca alone he would have nothing to fight his gyno with - but he didnt get gyno with taking winny on top of that cycle - some of this stuff sounds nuts but I believe in safety FAR before gains so if you ever get my advice on a cycle know that i have your best interest in mind

    "Mike" I have been reading a lot of posts and seems that you know a lot about steroids. A whole lot of a lot!!! I wanted to ask you a about the cycle I am thinking about. This will be my third cycle in 8 years with my last one being 4 years ago and all I did was deca. I am now 28 and looking to do just deca again. I have been conistently going to gym and weight training 3 x per week so I am not out of shape. I have read that it is not good to just do deca. I consider myself a newbie so what do you suggest I take with deca (10ml/200mg)? I am afraid of getting gyno so I was thinking of winstrol. I also want to take everything in 6 to 8 weeks.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Gothenburg in Sweden
    Test is good with deca.. but 6 weeks long ? You should do 10 weeks or more if you want some good gains..

    Try this for 10 or 12 weeks

    500mg test/week
    400mg deca/week

    After this pct

    and for gyno.. there is a lots of things for that !

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by apgomez3
    "Mike" I have been reading a lot of posts and seems that you know a lot about steroids. A whole lot of a lot!!! I wanted to ask you a about the cycle I am thinking about. This will be my third cycle in 8 years with my last one being 4 years ago and all I did was deca. I am now 28 and looking to do just deca again. I have been conistently going to gym and weight training 3 x per week so I am not out of shape. I have read that it is not good to just do deca. I consider myself a newbie so what do you suggest I take with deca (10ml/200mg)? I am afraid of getting gyno so I was thinking of winstrol. I also want to take everything in 6 to 8 weeks.
    You probably want to start a new post when you have questions 1 you are bumping old post asking questions 2 you are high jacking other peoiples post by asking your questions in there thread. Just some advice I noticed you have done it 2 or 3 times now.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Sorry....I am a newbie at this. I did not mean to break protocol.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Motor City
    Good luck brp, glad to hear you have trained awhile and sounds like your diet s in check. All good things come in time. Just dont go asking.

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