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Thread: Proviron in PCT

  1. #1

    Proviron in PCT

    I need answers to this that I'm having a hard time getting by reading through the stickies and threads.

    Is Proviron in a PCT only used as a "bridge" between cycles or is it a good addition to any PCT regardless of what the plans are afterwards? Is it just used as a libido enhancer or does it also significantly aid in keeping muscle gains?

    I just started my PCT after a cycle of 700mg of Test E per week for 14 weeks, which is as of now 20mg of Nolva and 50mg of Clomid. Would the Proviron be a good addition to this even if I don't plan on doing another cycle any time soon. My libido seems fine, I feel a little "off", but nothing major, still no problems getting wood.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Depends how much of it you have regarding running it now.

    I personally think it is a good addition to a cycle but am indifferent to its use in PCT. Other bros might have a better experience, but I wouldn't worry if your libido is there.

    The Proviron isn't going to help you recover faster...It would just mask your deficiencies if anything.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by steptoe View Post
    I need answers to this that I'm having a hard time getting by reading through the stickies and threads.

    Is Proviron in a PCT only used as a "bridge" between cycles or is it a good addition to any PCT regardless of what the plans are afterwards? Is it just used as a libido enhancer or does it also significantly aid in keeping muscle gains?

    I just started my PCT after a cycle of 700mg of Test E per week for 14 weeks, which is as of now 20mg of Nolva and 50mg of Clomid. Would the Proviron be a good addition to this even if I don't plan on doing another cycle any time soon. My libido seems fine, I feel a little "off", but nothing major, still no problems getting wood.

    Thanks in advance.
    Proviron is a AAS and WILL effect hormone levels. BAD idea to use this during PCT while your trying to recover your natural HPTA.

  4. #4
    Thank you gentlemen, I appreciate it. I have two bottles of this stuff from Italy, I'll just use it during my next cycle. Nolva and Clomid FTW!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Baton Rouge
    What at about a dose of 50mg ed? Do you think this will play a major role in recovery considering the benefits it's giving you at the same time?
    I think the high doses of prov in pct are bad but i question a 50mg/ed dose

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Wales (UK)
    Quote Originally Posted by Flex-Appeal View Post
    What at about a dose of 50mg ed? Do you think this will play a major role in recovery considering the benefits it's giving you at the same time?
    I think the high doses of prov in pct are bad but i question a 50mg/ed dose
    From what I've read, in studies and on the boards, I have to agree with Flex-Appeal. 25-50mg p/d is only a small dose compared to what has been used in many of the clinical studies, and even higher dosages didn't inhibit HPTA recovery to any significant degree.

    Furthermore, my speculation is the binding effect of Proviron may actually free up more 'free' Testosterone when recovery begins, not necessarily hastening recovery per say, but if this is the case it would certainly aid maintaining strength/mass gains. Just my speculation.
    Last edited by GrandmasterSpank; 01-02-2009 at 03:33 AM.

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