hi guys, quick question....i am currently in week 7 of a 12 week test cyp cycle its going great, getting bigger and stronger everday. now last year i done a stupid winny only cycle for 5 weeks @ 1mg eod before i realised it wasnt a good thing to do.
i always shave my head and never let my hair grow but i decide to let it grow for a couple of weeks now and ive realised that my hairline is receeding a couple of mm's and ive never had this problem before.
now i was planning on stacking winny weeks 8-14 with the test as a cutter.
my question is this.....should i do the winny even though my hairline is receeding? will it get worse? wen i stop my cycle will it grow back? i no most of you would say if it bothers me thn dnt do the winny but i had good results with the winny lastime and have already bought my supply. could it be that my hairline has suffered becuz i didn stack test with the winny?
any help is appriciated. great site keep up the good work guys