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Hi, I'm not really all that new here I've just been reading alot and not posting. I had to get a new name because I accidentally deleted the registering email and could not post but I have been a member since Aug. 08.
My stats are 6'0, 220 lbs around 13-15% bf and I have been lifting for 6-7 years. I am majoring in Kinesiology, so I am very knowledgeable in dieting and the proper workouts for certain goals.
I have never taken any AAS so this will be my first time. My question is what will be a good cycle from 22 weeks out from the show. I want to add some more muscle before I start cutting 12-14 weeks out. I asked a friend if a cycle like this would do it: Wks 1-10 test e 250 2xwk and 8-14 maybe some winstrol 50mgs/day he said that was good but add some dbol at the start and some arimidex throughout. Critique and other sample cycles would be great.